✧Chapter 16✧

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„Eagle fell into the river!" Kestrel howled, her eyes filled with fear and worry for her mate.

The sound of raging water terrified Rain. It was a big storm that lasted for a few days. The strong wind kept blowing and raindrops soaked the wolves' fur. The three were watching the river below them while running along it's edge. Rain saw a flash of brown fur being carried away by the water. He ran towards it and jumped into the water, swimming closer and closer to the wolf. He grabbed him by his scruff and started pulling him towards the edge, using all of the strength he had. He finaly threw the young wolf over the edge and he fell to the surface.

Rain tried to get there too but the current was too strong and pulled him back into the river. He tried his best to get out but nothing helped and he was getting closer and closer to the waterfall at the end of the raging torrent. He thought it was over, when the clouds heavy with rain that were covering the whole sky suddenly revealed the shining moon, creating a circle around it. When Rain was about to fall in a few moments, a lightning struck a tall tree down and it fell into the river. It was partly stopping the water and Rain's head went underwater for a moment. He stretched out his paws and his claws grabbed the tree bark. Using his last bit of strength, he pulled himself up and the Kestrel was already there to help him.

Rain woke up, when it was still dark out, terrified from the nightmare. It was a memory from the past, the one that he kept coming back to, as it was the day he swore to always respect Moon. He believed that their god saved his very life by sending a lightning to struck the tree down. The clouds clearing a circle around to moon exactly before it happened couldn't have been an accident. Before that, he saved Kestrels mate, Eagle. It was when Dawn, Wind and Swift weren't born yet and Omega, well Stump, well, Crow had a mate that was expecting puppies.

Rain came out of the den and went into the forest, maybe to hunt something or just for a walk to clear his mind. He looked at the sky, shocked and terrified of what he saw. It was completely covered with clouds, except a circle around the shining moon. He was scared by the connection it could have had with his dream but he thought about it as a good omen, that Moon was watching over him just like back then. For a moment, he realized it could mean he was in danger and started looking around, his ears pricked.

He heard a quiet sound from the undergrowth, then a second one and then another. A few more and then a flash of brown fur that stopped to eat grass, without even noticing the wolf. Rain quickly recognized that it was a hare and when it realized it was in danger, it was too late. Rain swiftly pinned it down and broke it's neck. He later found more of them, killing all. Soon, he had three hares hanging from his mouth and three more dug under a tree that he marked with his scent.

As he came to the camp, the sky was partly clear and the clouds have created a spotted pattern. The sun was about to start rising to the top and it was just a matter of time before the others started waking up. He dropped his catch, turning toward the enterance to go back, when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

„Where are you going?"

Dawn was always a morning bird, usually waking up sooner than everyone else. She was living up to her namesake pretty well and Rain was impressed by her early wakings. But this time Rain was on his paws sooner and when he turned around, he could see the surprise and curiousity in her blue eyes.

„I'm going back for the rest of my catch," he answered.

„Catch? You were out hunting? I don't remember you ever hunting so early. Oh wow, that's a lot. Good job Rain!" she praised him, looking at the three dead hares on the ground, „Well, make sure to watch out for other animals while out there, I'm going to go organize my herb storage. See you later!"

„I will, don't worry. Good luck with your work," he replied. His friend's cream fur and two chafinch feathers kept reminding him of her but he tried to not think about it.

He walked through the forest, returning to the tree where he burried the rest of his catch under a tree. He followed his scent mark until he found it and started digging the prey up. Carrying the three hares in his mouth, he turned back and set off. He took a moment to enjoy what the nature has to offer. The leaves and sticks rustled under his paws, the rising sun shone with it's weak light and the cold chill of the forest and the disappearing night cooled him off. He noticed the leaves showing shades of yellow and orange amongst the usuall greens.

As Rain returned to camp, dropped his catch on the ground and looked around, the memories of the past came haunting him back. He saw Eagle, drowning in the raging river, he saw her, soaked in blood, he saw Maple, the Thornpack's Alpha, grinning at Fieldpack as they were leaving their own territory after being driven out. He closed his eyes and cried out loud inside himself, not showing anything on the outside. What would his packmates think of him, seeing him so weak? And especially Raven, the selfish jerk that for some reason led their pack. Rain hated him with all of his heart.

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