Crust of the Elite

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   The limo drives for 35 minutes, while he gropes my ass and the rest of us meekly plea for the men to let us be.
   At long last,  the limousine parks.  Outside of the limousine is a mansion,  5 stories tall excluding the attics, and a doorman opens the door. Mitchell walks out, pulling me out with him.  Swiftly, the rest of the passengers of the limousine walk out.
    Turning my head, I see a dozen limousines parked in the loop,centering a water fountain in green coloration. Mitchell wraps his arm around mine, and we walk up the marble stairs.
    Inside of the manse, there's a few dozen elite journalists mingling with a dozen creative types, a sparce dappling of geniuses interrupting the crowd, with a couple hundred bourgeoisie Barons of industry chatter, mingling with the rest of the upper echelons of society. Butlers wander, delivering the hors' deurvers to  miscellaneous individuals. A fountain of wine is in the middle of the room, beneath a massive chandelier.
    The gala's host,  a maverick with shocks of white in otherwise black hair, stands on a small stage. He clicks his glass of wine with a fork. ' Attention,  may I have my honored guests' attention for just a few moments? For a brief toast, then we shall continue our revelries.  With the fiscal support of my numerous benefactors, including the Mandefiza family and Roberto Teliken,my latest invention has been authorized by the FDA to commence stage 3 of testing. I've spoken with the esteemed Charles Mandefiza, and he's stated that he has some individuals who volunteer for the final stage of testing. Would Natalie Chomski please join me up here. I'm also inviting Nancy, Nicole, Madeline, and Garrett up here for the grand reveal. These are the first clientele to use Neurocide. '
  A young man who I recall, and Natalie both walk to the side of the scientist whose eyes reveal a twisted sense of clarity and purpose. The five individuals drink a glass of red wine as Natalie asks for more. She drinks a dozen glasses and starts giggling without a reason.
    Garrett drinks three and doesn't use polysylabic words afterward. Mitchell whispers in my ear ' See Garrett's fate, that's going to be yours except you'll be begging for Daddy to fuck you vigorously.' I gulp, his hairy hand clenching my artificial ass with obsession.
   Next to the stark genius is a woman with long black hair, in a red cocktail dress and high heels with black pantyhose. She walks to me and shows me a gaudy diamond studded ring. She murmurs timidly.' I once was a man too, yet due to a debt that I accrued at the King's Joy pub,  I was sent to a scientist who used some kind of gas and juice to make me into this. Indeed,  I hated every second of my life in this body until I was given to my current owner. You need to count all the blessings that you have in your new life. '

    I tremble in anxiety as reporters crowd me and rally their questions about how it is to live amongst the Mandefiza family.
  The crowd waits as Mitchell interjects,' Tiffany has no comments for any of the media. If you have further questions, ask the rest of the family. Now,get out of my way so I can get some alcohol!'
    Miscellaneous journalists scatter, searching for the rest of the ostentatiously wealthy members of the family. I gulp in fear, on  edge in regards, what Mitchell could do to me if he gets drunk.

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