"Absolutely not!" he crossed his arms before slouching more into the couch. "I do not want to celebrate her day. She's the devil!" Nicholas scoffed before looking away from us.

Allie and I stood in front of him. "Nick she really needs this right now. Look at her!" I grabbed her cheeks and faced her towards him, trying to hide my smile when Al faked a pout.

He rolled his eyes, "Don't make those eyes Allison," he grumbled trying to look away from her. She leveled her eyes with his continuing to make her puppy eyes. "Allison Anastasia Welbrew leave me alone." He moved from the couch and headed up the stairs.

"Wow he must really not want to go." She shrugged. I followed her as we went to change. I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear. If I wanted to wear what I normally do or if I should reveal more to get his attention.

One thing Draco hated the most was me getting attention from others. He doesn't think i'm aware but I am. I can't blame him, if I saw him talking to a girl I would hex her immediately.

Finally I decided to wear the shortest dress I had. I haven't worn it since 5th year and obviously i've grown since then.

It didn't leave much to imagine, everything was on display. Though I still felt a little uncomfortable wearing this in front of people i've known since I was young.

"My gosh Y/n!" Allie gasped as she finished tying the back of her shirt. "You look..hot." She grinned grabbing my shoulders to get a better look at me.

I pulled down the bottom of my dress. "You don't think it's too much?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

She came up behind me resting her chin on my shoulder. "I think it's perfect." She smiled. Her smile slowly turned into a mischievous smirk.

"What're you up to?" Even though she was my best friend I knew when she was up to something. Her smirk grew wider.

"You're not wearing this for a special someone are you?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. What if I said yes, and she finds out it's Draco?

What if she's asking because she knows about me and Draco? I knew that wasn't the case because I was intact. My silence definitely made her more sure that it was for someone. "Oh my goodness! It is! Is it for ron? Or for Cedric? Because I know that you and Cedric have been talking but I didn't think it was this serious. Ugh! I should've known sin-"

"Allie you're doing it again." I sighed cutting her off. She quickly stopped talking and nodded before taking a deep breath.

"Sorry, You may talk." She sat down on her bed.

Thankfully while she drank her water I had time to figure out what to say. I didn't know what to say. Or who to say. Maybe I should say no one. That way it would be the only lie.

She kept looking at me, making me nervous. "I-uh," I started but for some reason the words wouldn't come out. Like my body didn't want to lie to her. "I'm wearing it for me." I finished.

I got nervous because of the quick silence but she got up and hugged me. "I need to start doing this too." She hugged me tighter. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The whole time she was getting ready, all I could think about was him. Seems that these days all I do is think about him. The closer we got to leaving the more nervous I felt.

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