Science Fiction

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Science fiction is an increasingly blurred genre dealing with scientific advancements and the exploration of places beyond our own world. With the advances of today, it can come close to just a modern story with an emphasis on technology or an analysis of a world where we use our current technology a little bit differently. Science fiction can also deal with themes so far in the future that it can come across almost like fantasy. There is something for everyone in this genre. People who like high science fiction will often put a heavy emphasis on using actual science to build their world. Those who like low science fiction can mix it just as a setting to join with the genres of drama, humor, horror, adventure, etc. Regardless of your preferred flavor, here are a few tips to help you on your way.

Don't lose track of your story when building your world.

A typical convention of science fiction is the creation of large and expansive universes When this is done purposefully and well, it can turn out to be an engaging and thought-provoking journey. One problem with the convention, however, is that science fiction stories can get so lost in the grandness of the universe that they forget to tell a personal story that focuses on the struggles and accomplishments of a few select characters. The resulting overall effect of a weak story in a brilliantly crafted world will be general reader disinterest and lacking immersion into the world you have so artfully created.

Whether your story is of space battles, or a sole person finding their way through a new planet, pay attention to your characters' personal fears, desires, goals, successes, failures, and growth. Though it can be difficult, don't be afraid to team up with another writer. If you aren't all that interested in character and plot development, consider co-writing with someone who is. If you aren't interested in world-building, find someone who will let you write within their world.

Don't settle for your story to just be a world-exploration vignette. You will not bring focus to your world by accompanying it with a weak story. If you have a strong world idea but not much of a story, design your world and just save it for a plot that is strong enough to make all your hard work and wonderful ideas pay off. Or else make a wonderful tabletop RPG out of it so that others can make engaging stories happen in the world you so meticulously crafted.

Show, don't tell.

While this rule of course applies to every genre, I find that science fiction often suffers from lacking it the most, with fantasy being a close second. Much too often I put down a sci-fi book or find myself agonizingly proof-reading one because the text is just pages and pages of exposited history, technology, and world building. I'm not casting judgement onto science-fiction writers who find this challenging; the problem makes a lot of sense. If the scale of your universe and plot are enormous, it just takes a lot more time on developing them for the audience to see. However, the boredom that comes from it is still something which will do harm.

My number one recommendation is to pay close attention to your method of exposition. Instead of a character explaining the universe or figuring it out by reading a book, have them live it out in full scenes. Don't tell your readers about all the extraterrestrial species and worlds, have the characters meet those people and visit those planets. If galactic politics between two major factions is causing the tension that will drive the plot of your novel, show one of your characters being directly impacted or sent to directly handle the situation.

Once you have your characters engaged in the plot and seeing first-hand the effects of your worldbuilding, focus in tight on what they are feeling, thinking, experiencing as events unfold. Take your time; don't feel rushed. If the story ends up having to be two-thousand pages, let it be two-thousand pages of character-centered literature worth reading.

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