The Silent Cartographer

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Chapter Four:The Silent Cartographer,when Captain Keyes was been escaped from the Covinent ship thay send some reinforcement to an island to find Silent Cartographer and Cortana said the conrtol of the Halo is somewhere on the bottom of this island so Master Chief and the Marines are helping Master chief to find the Silent Cartographer when the pellican touch the ground the Marines and the Chief went down at the pelican there was a lot covinents so the Marines and the Chief fight them after the Covinents was dead Eko 419 send a Warthog for the Chief  Master Chief went to the warthog and 2 Marines join him Master chief kept driving he saw a covinent him and the Marines fight them then he kept driving and battling Covinent he saw a big building Chief went out the warthog and went insde there was a Covinent he killed them all there was a door he trying to go inside but it went closed Cortana said maybe we can unactivate the security system if we could just find it Master Chief went out of the building and went to the warthog with the marines so Master Chief kept going and he saw some Marines were dead then there was some covinent Master Chief went out of the Warthog and attack them fast Chief keep walking then he saw hunters he use a pistol then attack the back of the hunters he saw many covinents he killed them all until he found another building Cortana said maybe this were the security systemis he went inside it was quite he keep going until he saw hunters again he Chief use his pistol again and kill them he then he suddenly saw somthing it was the security system Master Chief went their and unactivated it Cortana said there its open now lets get going.Then Chief was walking out then their was an invisble Covinent Chief use his assualt rifle and killed them then suddenly a voice came in Marine said mayday,mayday their is a covinent on my back Chief helped.Then there was loud boom outside the building Master Chief went outside and checked their was a pellican it was destroyed by the Covinent Master Chief jump and there was a Covinent was gaurding it he killed them all then he saw lots of weapons and one Warthog there was a pistol,assault rifle, and a rocket launcher so he replace his pistol for the rocket launcher so he use the warthog and then drive back were he was he saw marine on a warthog then the Marine said what happened why it took you so long? Then Chief said there was a lot of Covinent then Chief went to the warthog drive to the building were the Cilent Cartographer was then Chief and the Marines saw a hunter Master Chief bumb them so they died then Chief went out from the Warthog and when inside and when he went inside, the door was open so he went inside to the open door then he saw lots of Covinent he keeps battliing them then kept walking then suddenly when he was walking there was a light it was the Silent Cartographer and but there was two Elites gaurding it Master Chief use meele at them then they die so Master Chief went to tha Silent Cartographer and activate it when they were done Master Chief went back were he was there was lots of grunts and elites when he was finally out there was an elite holding a energy sword so Master Chief use his rocket launcher to kill him then after he was dead there was invisble Elite so Master Chief  use his assault rifle to kill the Elite when he was out there was Eko 419 calling him to go inside the Pellican.So Master Chief is done with his mission all he need is to go to the bottom of the island and find the conrtol room for the Halo.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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