Truth And Reconciliation

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Chapter Three:Truth And Reconciliation,When Eko 419 went to the Snowy Hill they bring Master Chief and some Marines with him they dropp Master Chief and the Marines so they continue their mission they went to the ship and there was some Covinent,Master Chief  and the Marines fight all the Covinent but the ship is on the top so how are they gonna went inside to the ship then cortana said there was a gravity lift so we can go inside so they went to the gravity lift then they float up then they were inside the Covinent ship they were trap cause there was lots of Covinent so  the Chief and the Marines use all their best to kill all the covinent so they kept going the door was lock so the Marines had an explosive bomb they put the bomb next to the door and it went booooooooooooooom! so they went through the broken door then there was Covinent they kill them all but one Marine was dead so cortana said lets go to the contol of the ship cause thats the closes were Captain Keyes so they kept fighting the Covinent until they finally went to the control room of the ship there was the strongest Covinent with an energy sword the Chief use the sniper to kill the strongest Covinent but before the strongest Covinent was killed he killed another Marine so the Marines said they need to rest so they stayed on to the control room so it was only Master Chief left to save Captain Keyes so he kept going and kept fighting until he found the Captain and the other Marines so Master Chief and Cortana talked to Captain Keyes Captain Keyes said they are capturing scientist so the halo could be complete and they also said that halo is a weapon to wipe out the galaxy so Chief and Cortana you have a new mission its to find the control room of this ring when they were done talking there was a invisible covinent on there back so Master Chief kill it so they kept going when thay went to the controls of the ship then the Marine were dead and they called Eko 419 she said  i cant go inside sorry you have to find your own ride.Cortana said there is still a Covinent ship still not use.So they went there and there was Covinent they battle them and when to the ship of the Covinent they went there and get out of this big giant ship of this Covinent so their new mission is to go find the Silent Cartographer and if they find that they are going to the find the main controls of Halo.

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