Chapter 8

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     Eistred's eyes were swollen from crying, yet she was still trying to appear strong for Sefatias. She forced a smile on her face and made a request again.

     "My love, ever since we started painting, you've only painted me. Now, can you paint yourself? Even though I cannot touch you or feel your embrace, I just want to see you, and that is enough for me. Can you do that for me?"

     Without a second thought, Sefatias hastily grabbed a paintbrush and a blank canvas. He painted himself, thinking, 'This is for Eistred, my only last gift for her, and I need it to be perfect.'

     In the quiet solitude of the room, only the sound of the brush on the canvas could be heard. Eistred sat on the edge of the room, looking at the painting that Sefatias was creating. Sefatias was busy painting, unaware that Eistred had taken a tissue from her bag to wipe away the tears streaming down her eyes. She couldn't contain the emotions welling up inside her. Eistred started crying, making an effort to keep it as silent as possible. Her hand squeezed her left chest as she couldn't endure the pain.

     Eistred stopped crying instantly when she looked at the nearly finished painting. She stood up and walked towards it. As she gazed at it, the air began to feel heavy, as though the universe anticipated the emotions surging up in her.

     Eistred experienced a mix of joy and sorrow as she gazed at the painting. The joy stemmed from finally glimpsing Sefatias's appearance, but the sorrow lingered because she couldn't touch the man.

     The painting depicted a man in his mid-thirties, Sefatias, with only his upper body showing. He wore an elegant beige justaucorps paired with a vest. The man's face was the epitome of handsome – not white, but a mix of tan and peach. Silky brown curly hair complemented his skin color. His brows were just right, the sharpness of his jaw could leave a graze in your hands if you touch it, and his smile that could make every maiden heart flutter. Yet, his eyes, though painted to smile, reflected a deep sorrow.

     The painting was perfect, capturing the essence of Sefatias, but there was one flaw – he painted himself smiling, yet his eyes did not share the same joy. In those eyes, you could sense the painter's profound sadness.

     Eistred finished examining the painting when she noticed an epistle on the side. Picking it up, she unfolded it, and as she began to read, she collapsed to the ground and wept, as if enduring a lifetime of torment.

     My Dearest Eistred,

     Throughout all the lifetimes I've experienced, this one will forever hold a special place in my heart, for in this existence I had the privilege of encountering the most incredible girl, that has everything I could have wished for. Despite the brevity of our time together, its essence lingers like an everlasting moment. Life, with its penchant for cruel jests, unfolds its challenges just when you discover someone precious and then confront the worst. The notion of you shedding tears in solitude, yearning for my presence, inflicts a greater pain than the contemplation of transitioning into the afterlife.

     My love, I aspire to see you in another lifetime. Though we may not assume the roles of Eistred and Sefatias, but our hearts will remain the same. If the Gods exhibit any mercy, our paths will cross again. If I had the ability to opt for staying rather than departing, rest assured, I would make that choice instantly, without hesitation. Unfortunately, we cannot attain all our desires, and that singular request I make is my wish to have you.

      Although my disappearance may bring you sorrow, please don't dwell on it for too long. I don't want that. Instead, I wish for you to persist in your life, achieve your aspirations, and discover your joy. It may seem challenging initially, yet you must persevere, my love. Your life doesn't end with mine, rather, it should mark the commencement of a fresh chapter.

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