Chapter 4

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    In the subsequent days, my time has been occupied with handling paperwork for the deed registry office. I've also been in constant coordination with my lawyer regarding the fate of my inheritance.

     After nearly six months, while in my office at the museum, Attorney Steven delivered the news I had been eagerly awaiting. He informed me that I have successfully regained my inheritance, and there is no longer any risk of losing it, having completed the probate case process.

     "Attorney Steven, I am so grateful for your help. Without you, I might have lost all of my inheritance," I said to him while grasping his hand.

     "Ms. Eistred, it's nothing. I am just happy that I can be of help to you. Also, in the future, if you need my assistance, I have left you my landline number. Just call me. Now, my work here is done. I have to go now," Attorney Steven replied.

    "Attorney Steven, thank you and take care," I said while waving my hand to bid my goodbye.

     I am so eager to share this with Sefatias, so I dash to the attic.

     After entering the attic, I wandered around and saw a painting covered in a white cloth behind the chair. Driven by my curiosity, I removed the white cloth to get a good look at it.

    My gosh, is this what he's been doing the whole time since I've been gone? The painting is truly amazing. The combination of colors and the contrast of lights is perfect. As a painter, I can say Sefatias's talent in painting is top-notch.

    The painting depicts a girl in the attic, gazing with mesmerizing eyes at a painting of a night sky. And that girl is none other than me.

    Why do I have butterflies the longer I look at it? I wondered why he painted me again, considering he could paint me without any guide at all, like a photograph or my presence, which is admirable.

    I was so focused on the painting that I did not notice the paper tucked between the painting and the easel. I took the it and read its contents.

     "Eistred, as you beheld my painting for the first time with your captivating eyes, I too found myself entranced by your presence."

     "This missive unveils the profound sentiments dwelling within the depths of my soul. In the quiet recesses of my heart, a torrent of emotions yearns to break free, akin to a bird trapped in a cage, and through the sacred act of confession, solace shall be found.

     From the first delicate threads of our connection to the intricate tapestry we've woven together, my spirit has been entwined with yours. Your presence is an indelible ink that has inscribed its verses upon the parchment of my existence. Each shared moment, a stanza in the poetry of our shared journey.

     This confession is not a plea for reciprocation but an offering of my authentic self. "

     Surprised by his abrupt confession, the butterflies in my stomach transformed into a menagerie. I grabbed a pen and began composing my response.

     "Sefatias, I share the same sentiments. The moments we shared, engaging in conversation and painting, allowed the seed of my feelings for you to blossom. I like you too, Sefatias. Additionally, I want to let you know that I have resolved the issue regarding my inheritance."

     "So, you're going to be the owner of this museum again, and you shall be mine sweetheart?" I wrote on the paper.

    "Yes, I will be. You can't just get rid of me that easily, Sefatias!" she replied.

     As I examine the contents of her reply, a powerful sense of disagreement floods my heart. Why would I ever want to part with her, given that she is the very reason for my existence? I see her as my better half, you know. My love for her surpasses any measurement, like the countless stars in the universe. If she ever doubts my feelings for her, I am willing to let her tear out my heart and inspect it, so she could discover that she is the source of its beating.

     I jot down my response to her: "Eistred, my muse, and now my love. I do not wish to part with you. You are a treasure that I, I must not lose. Your very presence holds equal importance to my life. Hence, never entertain such thoughts again."

     Once she read my reply, she laughed wholeheartedly and handed me the paper, with her writings on it. I then engulf its message, saying, "Sefatias, my love, it was just an expression. I'm simply saying that I won't be apart from you, that's all! There is no hidden message behind it. And I'm sorry, I forgot I should not joke like that with you. However, I am very pleased to read how important I am to you, and I'm grateful for that. Also, you are significantly important to me too."

     I am filled with joy because, firstly, Eistred regained ownership of this museum, and secondly, she loves me as much as I love her. I desire to shower her with kisses and envelop her in a tight embraced. Yet, it would be impolite to do so without her permission.

     Thus, I hastily scrawled on the paper, "Eistred, my love, may I have permission to place a kiss on your forehead and embrace you?" She granted her permission right away, without hesitation.

     As I approached her, my heart raced. I extended my hand towards her face and tried to kiss her forehead. However, I couldn't manage it; I couldn't kiss her. Despite my attempts, it was to no avail. I even tried to embrace her, but my body passed through as if I were made of air.

     No, it can be, I muttered to myself. 

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