📑 Five

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A.J. wanted to stroll through town after lunch, take a nice long walk down main street, but the chilly breeze that rolled in had other plans for her—and, she had to admit, so did her heels, which were starting to make her feet ache. She headed back to her car after a quick walk to check out the exterior of Lillie Mae Bridal, which Cliff had informed her was run by the McAden's mother. It was a lovely little store, and she could tell by appearance alone that the grey-haired woman fluffing up the veils in the display case was Mrs. McAden.

There was no point in introducing herself, and even less of a point to stepping foot in a bridal shop—although she had to admit, the interior looked gorgeous from what she could see through the window, and she was curious about some of the fixtures.

She drove back to the lodge with the heat blasting in her car, wishing Jack could've made up his mind about choosing Carter Construction back in the fall, or later into spring. She could imagine what the little town would look like in a month or two, when the leaves would finally return to the trees, and the townsfolk wouldn't have to walk around all bundled up. She didn't hate winter, but it sure lost its charm after New Years Eve.

Once she made it back to her room, she turned on the news for some background noise and got started unpacking—there was little more frustrating to her than living out of a suitcase. By the time she was done, her suits were hanging in the closet, casual clothes in the sleek dresser, toiletries, skincare, and makeup all organized in the bathroom. It really was a gorgeous room, all big windows and bright, neutral colors that were used smartly enough not to look lifeless.

After tucking her suitcases into the closet, she muted the TV and pulled out her phone, calling her father. As soon as he picked up, she could tell he was on a job site—the background noise made her pull her phone away from her ear a little.

"Hey sweetheart—you got some good news for me?"

"Of course. We got the job, everything's signed and ready to go. Just need a crew here to start on Monday."

"I knew you'd lock it in. I'm just about to head back to the office now—I'll get everything sorted with the crew and email you the details. You just get settled in, okay? Treat yourself to a celebratory dinner or something."

"I'm treating myself to a celebratory trip to the grocery store," she joked, glancing over at the empty kitchenette. She heard someone call her father's name in the hubbub of background sounds. "I'll let you go, though—sounds busy there. Love you."

"Love you too."

There was one more call she needed to make before heading to the store, though—just as she was about to bring up her contact, Mikayla's name appeared on her screen, requesting a video call.

Aliyah laughed, swiping to pick it up, flopping onto her stomach on top of the cushy bed. "I was just about to call you."

Mikayla grinned. "I can tell you got it. You wouldn't be in such a good mood if you didn't get it."

"Guilty," A.J. laughed.

"I've been waiting! You had me worried, thinking you were sulking and too embarrassed to call."

"Sorry—time kinda got away from me. Jack showed me around the manor—gorgeous," she added with an eye roll at just how beautiful the home was. "And then his brother Cliff and his wife asked me out to lunch."

"You think he's gorgeous?" Mikayla asked with a wide smile and a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

"The house, Mikayla. The house is gorgeous." She had to snort at the way her cousin's expression fell into disappointment. "But sure, I'll admit that Jack McAden isn't too shabby either, if it'll get you to stop pouting."

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