Chapter One

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It had been nearly a month since Bora had broken up with her and she had just about recovered from the relationship.

The relationship was good, and he was kind to her. The best relationship she had likely had but she knew the breakup had been coming. He was becoming more distant towards her. He was moving away and when the breakup came it only confirmed what she though.

'She was not good enough.' Not good enough for Bora to consider a long-distance relationship with her. He was not a bad guy to her, and the breakup was civil, but it damaged her confidence.

It had been a month since then. She had thrown herself into work and now felt that she was over the blue-haired man. She felt more at ease in herself but her she had yet to throw herself back into the dating world.

That is when she received the text. The text from him. Gray Fullbuster.

'Hey trouble! Long-time no speaks. How's things?!'

It had been a long time. 8 years.

They had been best friends in high school. He was her first love when she was 16 years old. She adored him but he never felt the same way about her. Eventually he got a girlfriend, a prettier, slimmer girl with blonde hair. Her name was Lucy. She put on a brave face and did her best to support him and be happy for him but eventually it became too much for her. They decided it would be best if they stopped talking for her to get over him. Gray and Lucy stayed together for 6 and a half years but he and Juvia never reconnected. Until now.

She stared at her phone for a long while thinking of the words she would respond back to him. She had never truly gotten over him, he held a special place in her heart.

'Hey! Yeah it has! Quite a few years! Things are good! What about you? Xxx' she sent the text. It seemed natural enough when she sent it. It has been so long she was not sure how to respond really.

It felt like hours but within no time he responded to her. 'Good! Yeah not to bad, had a rough couple of years, wanted to send you a message for a while but was always worried you would never respond.'

He had been thinking of her. Just that though make the butterflies in her stomach begin to stir. He was likely trying to be polite and they would not talk again for another few years, but she was still hopeful. Though perhaps she should not be. What if he hurt her again?

They exchanged several texts between them. He had joined the army and she was now a qualified nurse. The conversation seemed to flow naturally between them, much like it had in the past.

'Hey Juvia...I feel like I should have said something years ago and saved us all the effort and time of being messed about by others...would you like to go for some food and a drink sometime? Maybe next week before I go away?'

She stared at the text in front of her. They had been growing closer the last couple of days. Turns out Lucy had cheated on her with his best friend Natsu. She had been in several relationships since him and not all of them had been good. She had yet to fully confide in him about that.

She agreed to go on a date with him. They agreed that Wednesday would be the best day between her shifts. That was 3 days away. It would be the only time she would be able to see him now before he goes away on his next military trip to Cyprus. He would be gone for 8 months.

Perhaps if Wednesday went well, he would wait for her whilst they were out there. She was hopeful. Her feelings had been coming back in waves for him and now they had hit her like a full-blown tsunami. He had told her that he had been interested in her for a while now but never had the confidence to speak up about it.

Wednesday came far too quickly. She looked at herself in the mirror. After trying on multiple outfits, she had finally decided on the one she was wearing. She was wearing a black sundress with sunflowers on it. Her blue hair fell loose around her shoulders and she wore a straw sunhat with a yellow bow wrapped around it. She put on a pair of white sandals and grabbed her bag as she headed out the door.

Gray had booked a table at one of the best restaurants in Magnolia. Crescent Blue. She was nervous and her hands were sweaty. 8 years was a long time. What if he did not like the way she looked now, her hair was a lot longer and over the years she had become more developed. She was curvier, her breasts were bigger but so were her hips. What if he thought she was fat...?

All these worries flooded through her as she arrived at her destination. It appeared busy but there was still no sign of her Gray-Sama. She smiled to herself. Gray-Sama. It was a nickname she had given him back in high school. He had hated it before but now he had grown quite fond of it.

She looked ahead of her, seeing the impending figure walking towards her. It was him. He was a lot taller, must be around 6ft. He wore black cargo trousers and a black t-shirt. His jet-black hair was slicked back, and he appeared a lot more muscular to what he was back in high school.

She had not thought it was possible, but he had become more attractive. It looked like he was looking around for her, not yet seeing her in his path. But once he did their eyes met. His coal eyes into her blue ones. Her heart was thumping against her chest. She really hoped this would go well...

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