Subject Designation 00

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Titles: Forced God of Destruction

Nicknames: RuRu(By Ink), Roo(Other Glitches), 00(Staff), Glitchy(Ink, Fresh, and Fatal_Error)

Bio: Once an unknown Sans who had his AU destroyed. He was left in the antivoid. His glitching and hearing voices put there by Fate drove him to madness. He accidentally kidnapped Blue and recovered from his insanity. After a large battle, which left him severely wounded, he was captured by our forces. He has lived in our facility for almost a year and a half now. He enjoys taking care of the Charas and Swap Frisks. He also knits and watches Undernovela(more on that in the Anomaly Undernovela file). Has is known to neglect his own needs.

Likes: Chocolate, Charas and Swap Frisks, Blue/BlueBerror, other friends, Undernovela, knitting, puppets

Dislikes: Fate, Voices, Ink, Broomie, Blind Judges, unfair judgement, the way Charas and swap Frisks are used as scapegoats, Ink overfilling the multiverse, cruel AUs

Personality: He will stand up for others and what he believes, he can be a bit timid, he is overall rather helpful and friendly

Danger level: high, but won't hurt you unless he deems it necessary or is having a breakdown/panic attack


(A/N: Imagine he has cracks and scars on him

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(A/N: Imagine he has cracks and scars on him. This is the only thing I could find without him in a battle pose or just different pose)

Additional info: He needs glasses and has severe haphephobia (Fear of touch). He has gotten better and will allow some staff to touch him if they tell him first. He is fine with most of the others touching him without warning, except for Fatal_Error due to their past.

He was responsible for keeping the balance of destruction and creation. Currently, we have a fix in place to keep Ink from creating to much. Hears voices, they are louder in the antivoid.

That is all the current info available to you at your security clearance.

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