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Identity valid.

Welcome New Recruit, before we start here is some basic info on your new job.

We study beings that are classified as anomalies, glitches, or abominations.


Typically no or low levels of intelligence. Twisted things that typically need to be killed. If they can't seem to be killed, they are contained deep in the facility.


Strange deviations on what is normal. Most are low profile enough that we just keep an eye on them instead of capturing and containing them.


Glitches are what you will be working with for the most part. So,e glitches have low danger levels and are just observed from a distance. Others are extremely dangerous. Most of the time, glitching causes insanity. Luckily, it seems temporary. We have several glitches contained at our facility and you will be working with them.

You are working in the contained study and capture. This means you will help study contained glitches and anomalies. You will also be trained to help capture new ones.

Currently we have 11 glitches contained within our facility. They are:

Subject Designation 00(Error!Sans)
Subject Designation 01(Geno!Sans)
Subject Designation 02(Fatal_Error)
Subject Designation 03(BlueBerror)
Subject Designation 04(Error404)
Subject Designation 05(Error!Stitches/Error!Stain!Sans)
Subject Designation 06(Fresh!Sans)
Subject Designation 07(Error!Chara)
Subject Designation 08(After!Papyrus)
Subject Designation 09(CORE!Frisk)
Subject Designation 10(Error!Papyrus)

As part of your training you will view the various files on these subjects.

Before leaving please select name.


Error! Name not valid

Choosing new name...

Welcome Spam Mail.

A/N: Hope you enjoy the Glitch Files. Also, the thing where the computer messes up the name is meant to be a reference to the FNaF Eggs Benedict thing.

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