Day 4

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Chapter 5

Minjeong woke up from a loud thud just outside her bedroom. She detangled herself from her sheets and rested on her back, closing her eyes again. The memory of last night came back and a smile formed on her lips, threatening to split her face in half. She had the most wonderful evening with Jimin, and the kisses had been burned into her long-term memory. She could still feel them on her lips and taste them in her mouth. Whilst basking in reminiscence, the smile was slowly replaced by a small frown as another thud, louder than the first reached her ears.

She forcefully pulled her bedroom door open to find Yunjin crouching in front of it. "What the -"

"Oh goody, you're awake." She grinned, hiding the book behind her back.

"Well, looks like you've got something to do with it."

"Tell me all about last night." Her friend stood up, and placed the book back on the shelf, ignoring the obvious complaint.

"Um, let me get dressed? Give me some breakfast?" Minjeong turned to walk over to the bathroom when Yunjin grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the kitchen.

"Don't stall. Spill!" She pushed Minjeong onto a barstool and handed her a cup of coffee, before settling on the other stool, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Last night? Well, I think it's safe to say, I might have made her..." She paused, knowing as soon as she told the truth she was in for a lecture about her work attitude, flavored with the overall lack of understanding and spiced with ridicule sarcasm for being an idiot.

"Angry? Pissed? Vexed? Upset?" Yunjin tried to help out.

"Hopeful? Happy? Content?" Minjeong offered instead.


She cringed at the harsh reply, and quickly drank a mouthful of her coffee to avoid looking up. After what felt like a lifetime Minjeong dared to raise her head and was met with a confused, but expectant expression.

"Fine!" She breathed out. "I knew what I was supposed to do, but I kinda did the opposite."

"Define 'kinda the opposite'." She put her cup down, and with a serious face, added. "Please?"

Minjeong started telling her about everything, from the first glimpse of the blonde when she'd picked her up to the exceptional paintings in the restaurant and finished her tale by admitting the kisses.

"You kissed her?" She deadpanned. "You were supposed to annoy her and you kissed her?"

Minjeong let out a long sigh and nodded.

"I..." Lost for words Yunjin shook her head. "What were you thinking? Oh, wait. Don't answer that! You were clearly not thinking at all, at least not with your brain." She concluded and stood up, turning her back to Minjeong to stare out of the little kitchen window while Minjeong got lost in the foam bubbles of her coffee. After a while, she looked over her shoulder and asked inquisitively, "What are you planning now?"

"If only I knew." Minjeong let her head drop onto the counter in defeat.

Jimin was by no definition a morning person. She was usually grumpy and short-tempered before her first injection of caffeine, and even after the energizer in her system she could be quite obnoxious. Today's morning, however, witnessed a blonde whirlwind singing at the top of her lungs, dancing between her bedroom and bathroom, and laughing in pure contentment. She only sobered and dragged up some resemblance of seriousness from somewhere inside her, when she opened her apartment door to face the world. She had promised Ning to drop off the car at the latest in the morning, as it was needed to get her to the lab, which was situated in an industrial area just outside of Arcadia. She stopped at the drive-through of her favorite coffee shop, before finally pulling up at Ning's house. The front door opened almost immediately after Jimin had slammed the car door with her hip.

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