How Daiki Aomine shows you he loves you

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The sun had barely risen when Daiki found you in the kitchen, flipping pancakes and humming a tune. You knew he had practice this morning so you wanted to make him some breakfast that he could eat before he went so he wouldn't have an empty stomach.

He sidled up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled his face into your neck, a warm smile playing on his lips as his large body enveloped yours.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he mumbled, peppering your neck with soft kisses, his kisses tickling your skin, making you pull away slightly with a few giggles falling from your mouth. His grip on your waist made it impossible for you to actually move away from him.

You laughed, turning your head slightly to steal a quick peck on his cheek. "Hey, you're gonna distract me, and then these pancakes will burn."

A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes, and he tightened his hold around you. "I'd rather have you than perfect pancakes," he murmured, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.

"Daiki... you have training," you reminded him, your tone firm

He spun you around, hoisting you up onto the bench and stepped between your legs, holding your thighs apart with his hands as he leant forward, a smirk on his lips, "Training can wait... I want my breakfast first"

You push him back with a laugh and hop off the bench, going back to the pancakes and quickly flipping them, "sorry Dai, not this morning."

His affectionate nature often spoke louder than words. Daiki had his own way of expressing love without needing to say those three little words outright. Forehead kisses were his specialty, his lips meeting your forehead with a tenderness that spoke volumes about his feelings.

As the morning sun painted the kitchen in hues of gold, Daiki pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment before resting his forehead against yours. It was a silent promise, an unspoken declaration of his affection.

He noticed a few stray strands of hair falling over your face and tucked them behind your ear, his thumb brushing your cheek softly. "There," he said, a small smile gracing his lips. "Now I can see your beautiful face properly."

You leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth and familiarity of his presence. It was those little gestures, the way he'd interlace his fingers with yours unexpectedly or pull you into a sleepy back hug while you cooked, that made your heart flutter.

"Want me to help?" Daiki asked, his chin resting on your shoulder as he reached for a spatula, his closeness adding a sense of comfort to the morning routine.

"Nah, I've got this," you replied, feeling his arms still wrapped around you, a sense of contentment settling within.

His protectiveness often shone through in subtle ways. Walking down a busy sidewalk, Daiki would switch positions with you, guiding you to the safer side, always keeping a watchful eye to ensure your safety.

Even in the busiest of mornings, when his off days clashed with your work commitments, Daiki's playful clinginess never wavered. He'd hold you a little longer, steal a few extra kisses, and reluctantly let go when it was time for him to leave.

"Hey, I remembered you mentioned liking this snack," Daiki grinned, producing a pack of your favorite treats as he returned home from training. "Thought it'd make your day better."

It was those thoughtful gestures that made your heart swell. Daiki always seemed to remember the little things, the details that made you feel seen and appreciated.

During his overseas trips for games, Daiki would often send pictures of random things he saw, every single one a silent reminder of you. A text accompanied each picture, a simple 'reminded me of you.'

In social situations that made you uneasy, Daiki's reassuring grip on your hand grounded you. He'd squeeze your hand gently, offering silent support throughout the event, his presence a calming anchor in a sea of discomfort.

Sometimes, tears would fall, and Daiki would kiss them away, his touch a balm to your pain. He never hesitated to let you cry on his shoulder, his t-shirt soaked with your tears, never once complaining.

"Everything okay?" Daiki would ask, concern etched on his face, always meeting you where you were, emotionally and mentally.

He wholeheartedly supported your dreams, making concrete plans and ensuring they came to fruition. Daiki would often drop encouraging texts before an important event, his words a source of strength.

Surprises were his forte. He'd bring home flowers for you, just because. No occasion, no reason, only his desire to see you smile.

If he was ever away for basketball, each morning and night, a text would pop up on your phone. "Good morning," or "Goodnight," accompanied by a heart emoji or a simple 'miss you.'

His way of saying 'I love you' without uttering the words explicitly extended to the little details. Daiki made you a Spotify playlist, songs that reminded him of your relationship or just songs he thought you would like. His memory was impeccable, recalling your preferences and quirks with ease.

One day, as you studied, flipping through pages of your textbook, you found post-its with little notes Daiki had left for you. Words of encouragement, doodles, and hearts, all scattered within the pages, each note bringing a smile to your face.

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