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T/N: So JJ tell me that this chapter took a very long time to write because of Wattpad, and well it's also took few days for me to translate it 🥲


When I first opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was......

"W-who are you?", I asked in a trembling voice.

Both of my hands were tied to the right and left sides of the bed.

"Mr. Dunk you can't move much khrub"


"Young Master has ordered us to guard Mr. Dunk."

Two men in black suits stood in front of me

"Young Master, Young Master who?"


They didn't answer me

"Let go of me, I have nothing for you!"


I then thrashed around trying hard to break free

"Let go of me!!!"


They did not move an inch.

And in the end I gave up, in my heart I could only pray that Joong would come and save me.

"You're awake"

The voice of a middle-aged man was heard

A moment later the figure entered. He didn't enter alone, he came with....


"How are you Dunk?"

"Wh-what's going on? Why are you doing this to me?"


"Why did you kidnap me?"

"Be quiet", said Phuwin

"Phuwin," scolded the middle-aged man.

"If I hadn't kidnapped you, that woman would have done it first," said Phuwin.

"T-that woman?"

"Well before we get to the point, first of all, let me introduce myself, I'm Phuwin's father."

"My name is...Dunk, your name is...."

"There's no need to ask his name," said Phuwin.

"You must hate me that much," I said to Phuwin.

"Whatever, I'll go first dad"

"Be careful."


After that Phuwin walked out.

"That kid is so naughty," muttered the man in front of me.

"I-I don't have anything..., arresting me will only harm everyone", I said.



"what we do is not for profit"


"We tried to save you...and your .... sister"

"My sister?"


"My sister is dead!"

"Are you sure?"

"That day that aunt came and..."

"You believe her?"


"Hmm....look to the side"

And as soon as I turned my head

Both my hearts were beating fast

I felt like my whole world was a lie as I looked at the figure lying on the bed beside me


I screamed in frustration as I realized my hands were tied to the bed.

"Pull yourself together Dunk"

"Let go of me! What are you doing to my sister?"

"Dunk, calm down."

"I won't!!, you guys!!!"


"Let go of me!"


A moment later a doctor came in and injected me with something I didn't know, and right after he injected me, my whole body went weak.

But I didn't lose consciousness (faint).

"Wh-what exactly do you want, why are you doing this to me?", I asked in a weak voice.

"I don't want anything from you Dunk....I just want to help you."

"Help me?"

"I just want .... you to be safe"

"I want .... you, Nina, and Phuwin to live in peace"

"What do you mean..."

"It means, we are siblings but not directly related by blood", Phuwin suddenly stepped in.

I thought he had already left

"What do you mean?"

"My mom is.... your father's second wife."


T/N: Hmm...i think JJ should change her name to THE PT (PLOT TWIST), she got me heart attack whenever i translate her story 🤦🏻‍♂️

To Be Continued

FEEL YOUR LOVE [ENG VER]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora