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"I don't want to go home...phi let Pooh stay with you"


Why do I have to get in trouble like this?

"But phi still has 3 class Pooh"

"No problem, Pooh can join the class. .... Pooh promises not to behave badly and not to make a scene."

"Pooh.... university has a rules.... Which saying outsiders (strangers) not allowed to  enter my class"

"Then Pooh will wait in front of the class"

"You'll be in danger if Phuwin sees you"

Phuwin really liked Pooh (as his brother), because Pooh was very sweet and also always kind, it's just that Phuwin gave him a slightly bad impression because on the first day of meeting Phuwin kissed Pooh's cheek and it traumatized him. Pooh prefers Fourth.

"Then Pooh will wait here"


"Ermm sorry"

I forgot P'Pavel was still here


"If you don't mind... your brother can come with me, I'm also waiting for Joong to finish because I have something to discuss."

"B-but that would be very inconvenient"

"No problem, I told you I'm also waiting for Joong"

"oh... Alright, Pooh don't be naughty or act weird, don't trouble P'Pavel"


I went to the restroom first before going to class...


In class

I just realized something

How can I trust someone that easily?

I just know his name today, I don't even know if he's really Joong's brother or not...

"What are you thinking?", asked Phuwin.


It could be bad if Phuwin finds out, Pooh is coming.

"No....no, I just want to finish class and go home to rest"

"I see."



"Do you know about Joong's brother?"

"Joong's Brother?"


"As far as I know......Joong is an only child, he has no siblings."



I couldn't calm down right now

3 hours later...

"Alright see you guys next week"

As soon as the lecturer said that, I immediately put all my stuff into my bag then grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could, I heard Phuwin's shout calling me but I didn't turn around, I kept running.

While trying to contact Pooh

I can't find him anywhere


I must be crazy!



"We meet again", he smiled with sparkling eyes

"oh", I didn't pay much attention to him, I took my  phone to call Pooh.

"Is something wrong?", Gemini asked.


"Nothing but I can see you're panicking"

"Do you know someone named Pavel?"


Gemini is suddenly quiet


"oh...khrub....ermm... no"

I seem to have been completely tricked!

What should I do?

"oh...Joong you're here"

Gemini suddenly mentioned someone's name while waving his hand.

"Mm," Joong muttered.

"Joong, do you know someone named Pavel?", asked Gemini.


Joong was silent but he nodded slowly.

"Joong, do you know where he is now?", I asked while holding both of his arms.

Joong looked thoughtful


His hand grabbed mine

"Follow me", he said before pulling me to follow him.


"We have to hurry before it's too late."

I, who was still panicking, was also surprised

"Aii Joong where are you going?", I heard Gemini yelling.

But Joong didn't budge at all, he kept pulling my hand and strangely....I just stayed still, I didn't do anything, didn't ask about where he was taking me.

I saw some people looking at me and Joong.

They seemed to be wondering

Ah but who cares?

Pooh is the important one  to me!!

To Be Continued

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