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The first week I already had to face so many problems that give me headache, I was involved with medical students, my brother who made my heart almost fall out because he suddenly appeared and then disappeared, dizzying freshman activities, plus assignments that began to haunt me.

now it's the fourth week (entering the first month)....and today is Friday again.... and as usual Pooh will call me in the morning to remind me to come home in the afternoon, and yes, every Friday evening  I don't know what kind of coincidence it is that Joong always has business around my house so I always go to his car.

And today while I was busy drawing, I suddenly felt a headache.

"Are you alright?", Fourth asked.

"You should ask yourself that question," I said.

The three of us don't have many differences

Equally have dark circles under our eyes

Equally pale-faced and scruffy

"I need coffee," said Fourth

"Me too," said Phuwin.

"Then I....will go buy them for you", I said.

"Thank you," said Fourth.

I nodded slowly in response


And it seems like..... I shouldn't have go.... I should have booked through the app...

Now the air is so hot, the sun is shining so brightly, my head hurts so much that I can't use my eyes well, my vision is blurry...

And just when I was about to lose my consciousness...



I was about to collapse if I hadn't been held back by someone

"Are you okay?"


"Let's sit down first"

Gemini said before taking me to sit down

He then left for a while, then returned with a bottle of mineral water

"Drink this," Gemini said to me.

"Thank you."

I took the water and drank it

"What are you doing here? It's so hot, you should have worn an umbrella"


"You look pale"

He raised his hand and touched my forehead.

"I think you...."

He didn't continue what he wanted to say

His eyes looked directly into mine

I could feel his eyes trembling as he looked at me

"I-I...I'll go buy you some more water, you've run out of water", Gemini looked flustered.

he walked away

While I check the water inside of the bottle.

There's still half a bottle

Amidst my confusion....


I raised my head


He didn't say anything, he just sat in front of me.

"You're anemic, and... it looks like you ate late, not get enough sleep..."

Blah blah blah

"Can you stop talking? I have a headache," I said.

"That's because you're pushing yourself too hard," he said.

"ahhh...don't nag me"

"Wait a minute," he said softly

He then took a towel from his bag and wet it with water that i didn't know where he got, before slowly placing it on my forehead.


"Is it hurt?", he asked.


"Of course it's cold"

Honestly, Joong was so annoying when he was silent, but it seemed like he was even more annoying when he spoke.

"How are you feeling?", he asked.

"Are you seriously asking?"

"If I was joking...I would have taken you to the hospital."


he shook his head softly

"You're tired," he said.

"It's true."

"Take a break"

"A doctor is always good at talking"

"If I were that smart at talking, I would choose to be a lawyer," he said.


"Alright I'll check your temperature again"



His thick hand pressed against my forehead

As if I was hypnotized by him, I somehow raised my head and looked directly at his eyes.... those eyes..... looked blank, but.... strangely I could still feel something hidden behind it...


My heart....My heart is acting weird again....

Even though I was also very close to Gemini earlier, but...I didn't feel anything, but when I just got close to Joong, why did my heart is  beating ridiculously like this?

Do I like....

Do I....like Joong?

To Be Continued

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