A mothers love | Undertale Yellow | Part 1

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Clover's POV

I've been living with Ceroba for a while now and we've grown occustomed to each other and she takes care of me as I don't know how to do most stuff as I'm just a 11 year old kid with a toy gun and a cowboy costume

I wonder how my parents are doing on the surface, are they looking for me? Are they even worried about me? Probably not as they don't care about me but down here I feel respected and all instead of being neglected

Ceroba: Clover we're going to the store. Wanna come?

Clover: Sure

Me and Ceroba walk to our local store and we just were silent most of the time as akwardness was everywhere in the air around us as we walked

We arrived at the local store and we pick the items we want and I just pick some gummy humans as they're like the monster version of gummy bears and they taste the same but I prefer gummy humans since they're more chewy

As we walks to the checkout area we see a person complaining to the store clerk and I see Ceroba getting angry as it's been a while and they're holding up the line but I tugged on her sleeve before she got too angry and soon the person left and they bought their items and the went home

Clover: Ceroba I'll be back soon since I'm going to visit Dalv back at the ruins

Ceroba: Alright be safe

Clover: I will mom!

I hop into the whale mail and Ceroba had realised what I had just said

Ceroba POV

Ceroba: Did he just call me mom?

Ceroba: It's great to have someone like a child to you

I walk back home alone as usual until Clover showed to live with me but the thought of him calling me mother reminds me of Kanako... Her innocent smile and the way she calls me mother is the same as Clover and at this point in my life I don't know what's going on anymore now

As I arrive home I see Starlo knocking on my door

Ceroba: Starlo?

Starlo: Ah! There you Ceroba

Starlo: I just wanted to check up on you as you've been staying inside all the time

Ceroba: I only go out when Clover wants to but occasionally I go to local store or go to the tavern

Starlo: How's Clover then?

Ceroba: Clover... well he's a child that relies on me most of the times but I respect him like hell as he had the courage to jump down here alone and he's just a child

Starlo: Heheh that's very brave of him

I continue to ramble about everything that Starlo questions me about and soon Starlo leaves and I sit alone again at home like usual and I sit at the dining table drinking my sea tea

Clover's POV

I walk to the ruins and I knock on the door to see Dalv and he welcomes me in and I show him everything I bought to show him and such things as a shiny crystal and vampire teeth to match him

I saw Dalv was flattered knowing I tried to be like him and I shared my gummy humans with Dalv as we talked about sfuff and we got along quiet well as I helped Dalv with his social anxiety

e/n: Heheh I have social anxiety and it's not that easy as you think to get over

I fell asleep at Dalvs place on accident as I was busy all night planning for Ceroba's birthday soon

As I fell into Dalv's arms he walked to the guests bedroom and layed me down onto the warm cozy bed and soon he fell asleep in his own room aswell

I woke up the next day and I realised I fell asleep at Dalv's place and I grabbed my hat and quickly ran out the guests room I quickly apologized to Dalv

Dalv: I-It's alright

Dalv: We're friends anyways

I thanked Dalv and I ran to the nearest whale mail and rang it and told it to take me to the wild east and it quickly took off taking me there and as I arrive I ran to Ceroba's house and I ran in and went into her room to see her sleeping and I went to the dinning room to setup her suprise party and I contacted Dalv, Starlo and Martlet but Dalv was busy doing a performence, Starlo was being a sherrif and Martlet was being a royal guard

I set it up by myself and I went to the kitchen to get the cake and I set it up with candles and I saw the party streamers was a mess and the room was a mess from me scrambling around but I heard the door open to see Ceroba

Clover: H-Happy Birthday!

Ceroba: H-Huh?

Clover: It's your birthday

Ceroba looks around the room to see I made a mess around the room and I sigh knowing I failed to set up her birthday party

Clover: S-Sorry I just not goot at setting but parties and everyone couldn't come

Clover: Y-You still got me though

I reveal the cake and It was in good condition but sadly the inside was rotton I find out and put the cake down and run back to my room

I didn't want to see the dissapointment on Ceroba's face and I curled up into a ball in bed and I cried as I am failing to be a good son- I mean Friend to Ceroba and I hear the door open and cover myself in my blanket and Ceroba sits on the side of the bed and she lifts off the blanket to see me crying and she caresses my face

Ceroba: It's alright you did your best to make me happy and I thank you

Ceroba: Come one I'll teach you how to bake a cake

e/n: I almost forgot to do my usual goodbye. SEE YA.

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