Oscar - The Hike of Doom

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My feet had never been so sore in my life. I had always heard horror stories of walking around in doc martens that weren't broken in, but I never thought I would live through it myself. 

But, as it turns out, being in the body of Anne Fuchs changes those plans. 

I had found her wallet and phone before leaving, and I clenched them in my hands. I couldn't bring myself to snoop beyond looking at her driver's license. That was how I had learned her name. She was twenty-two, like myself, and though I didn't think she was in college, she still kept her college ID on her. 

I had used her thumbprint to unlock her phone only to search for news surrounding myself. I needed to know what this imposter was planning, and I needed to know how to stop them. So far, all that had entailed was me stomping up the downtown district, ditching Anne's job, and heading over to the bus stop to get as close as I could to my own penthouse. 

But when I had waited for the bus and started to walk on, I had been stopped and asked for a card, which I couldn't tell if Anne had. I guess they had enough of my hesitation, so they told me to get off. Numbly, I did so, but the moment the bus had taken off again, my feet started to throb in pain. 

They would have listened to me if I were myself. I didn't understand how people could live like this. It was so... inconvenient. 

I sat down on the bench of the bus stop, knowing I had well earned my break, and I went back to scrolling, only to see that my own grand plans for giving away my wealth had started to fall into position. My imposter had just instated a lottery-type system to bless families for the holidays. I frowned, not sure if this was the grand plan they thought it was. It felt more like a scheme to transfer my money to them. 


I needed to end this now. I didn't have time to walk miles upon miles to my penthouse. (Why did Anne have to live on the poor side of town?) I needed to find someone I knew that could help me. 

Anne's phone shook in my hand as I opened it and went to type in a number to call. It had been one I had memorized as a child for my best friend's landline. Both of our families had insisted we didn't need electronics at such a young age, but we were allowed to call on the landline. 

My armpits grew sweaty as the phone rang and rang. 

Finally, someone picked up: Jamie's mother. "Who is this?"

"Hi, I'm a friend of Jamie's."

"For the last time, stop calling us. He doesn't know anything about what is happening with Oscar, and neither do we!" Then the phone clicked off, and I started numbly off into the distance before redialing. 

This time, it went to voicemail. "Please, just tell Jamie that I need his help. It's about Oscar. Oscar told me to tell you about the jingle he had made with your number to prove that it was him." I sang it under my breath. "And about the first gift Jamie had ever given him, which was a stuffed monkey named Peaches. Oscar also got Jamie a green Ferrari F40 for his birthday last year. Please, pick up. Are you even listening?" I waited for a few more seconds, then when nothing happened, I hung up, a weight seeming to rest down on my entire being. 

I got up, pocketing the phone, and beginning to start my trek once again. I continued for a good few miles until I noticed the purr of a slow-moving car behind me. I tensed, wondering what would happen. Did someone want something with me? I had always heard horror stories of men taking advantage of women and stalking them like this. But experiencing it made me feel ill, like I was some sort of prey. 

I turned back, trying to catch the driver's eye. Then, I realized what I was looking at: a green Ferrari F40. 

"Jamie?" I yelled, unable to help myself. Then, I covered my mouth, realizing his windows were rolled down. 

He pulled up beside me, studying me. It pained me to see him, but him not know who I was. I could explain, but where would I start? "Do I know you?"

"No. I just had heard of you... from Oscar."

He blinked. "Are you two fucking or something?"

I burst out laughing. "What? No."

"I didn't think he had a thing for girls like you, but what do I know?"

I crossed my arm. "Oh, I really don't think he has a thing for girls like me. Trust me, I would know."

Jamie stared. "So how do you know him?"

"I make his coffee."


I wanted to shake Jamie. Why was he so attuned to how I was? "Well, he had liked the way I made it. I was the one that invented his daily order, you know?"

"No, I don't know," Jamie said, staring at me like I was crazy. 

"Well, um... What are you doing here?"

"I was sent to get you," he grumbled. 

"By who?"

His glare deepened. "You obviously know who."

I nodded. "Okay, then." I went to open the door of the car, and a flicker of surprise and unease crossed his face, as if he were shocked I would be open to this. Who wouldn't be open to an easy ride above walking miles? This was working out perfectly, and I hadn't even needed to convince Jamie's mom to contact him. 

Jamie wrinkled his nose. "Don't touch anything, okay?"


"I don't like people in my car."

"Then why offer to come get me?" I asked. 

He shrugged, looking sad. "Oscar told me it would help, and I care about him. In case you haven't noticed, he hasn't exactly been acting normal today."


"Do you think you can help?" he asked. 

A hint of a smile crossed my face for the first time all day. "Believe me, I will do everything in my power to get things back to normal."

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