Anne - Cue Evil Laugh

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I drummed my fingers on Oscar's shiny desk, making a clicking noise—a motion that I doubted he had ever done before considering his lack of nails. "You may be wondering why I brought you here," I said. 

Anne blinked back at me, or rather, whoever was possessing my body. 

I turned to Jamie. "You can leave now."

"What?" he asked as his mouth dropped open. "What do you mean, 'You can leave now'?"

"I meant what I said. I don't need you here anymore."

Jamie's mouth dropped open. "You're kidding."

"Maybe he didn't mean it like that!" the person in my body burst out. "He's probably just having a rough day, right?"

I frowned. "Actually, I was having an excellent day. It would be even better if you would leave, Jamie."

"What the hell?" he muttered, throwing his hands up in the air. "I guess you really just don't care about friendship at all today."

"Shut the door behind you!" I shouted as he stormed off. 

When he slammed it behind him, I turned towards myself, a gleam in my eye now that we could finally speak in private. "So," I began. "Anne, is it?"

"I suppose it is," my voice replied, frowning. "Can we just cut to the chase?"

"Sure," I replied. 

Anne balled her fists up. "You need to stop whatever you're doing. You have no right to just take everything!"

"What are you talking about? I'm Oscar," I said, jabbing my thumb into my chest. "Not you."

"No, I am Oscar!" he shouted in my face. "And you're me! Right?" He seemed to be out of breath at this. Possibly a bit tense. "Right?" he asked again. 


"Did you do this to me?" he asked. 

"Whoa! What do you mean? This is affecting us both! And it's a pain in both of our asses!" I replied. 

"Answer my question!" he shouted. 

"Stop shouting at me!"

"Well, would you please answer my question?" he asked again, then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry; I'm just stressed."

"I didn't do this to you," I replied. "I don't know how it's possible."

He seemed to perk up then. "Then let's fix it!" Something must have given me away through my expression because he asked, "What? You don't want to fix it?"

"Of course I want to fix it," I replied. "You think I feel comfortable living in someone else's body?"

"But?" he prompted, horrified by what he assumed already was my response. 

My face heated up. "You know what I want to do."

"First off, I don't blush. Stop that. Secondly, you cannot just steal from me. I'll sue you."

"Sue me while you're in my body? Good luck with that. I don't have any extra money lying around for a lawyer."

"Then what happens if you need one?" he asked. "Or if you have another emergency?"

I shrugged. "I'd figure it out. I always do."

"Then I'd figure out how to sue you."

I laughed. "Yeah, sure."

"Once I'm back to normal," he corrected. 

A smile played at my lips. "Sue me with what money? I'm giving it all away."

His eyes darkened. "You wouldn't."

"I was going to leave you one percent, but now I'm not even sure."

"You do realize not all the money goes directly to me. A lot of it funnels right back into the businesses I got it out of. You literally cannot take it all."

"Stop trying to scare me out of this. I am doing it."

He glared at me. It is a strange thing to see your own self glare at you. It made shivers run up my spine, knowing he could also have the power to change my life so long as he was in my body. "No way. This is beyond stupid. You don't even know where to start, I guarantee it."

"I can hire other people to help me."

He snorted. "You think I trust other people with my finances like that? No, outside of businesses, everything is all run by me."

"Then that means I have control," I replied. 

"I will stop you."

"Listen," I said, taking a deep breath. "You want to get back to normal, correct?"


"I'll help you, but you have to help me with this. Okay?"

"I don't want you to give away my money," he said.

"You're one of the richest people alive. You can live without some of it," I replied. 

"And if I refuse?"

"I don't really give a shit," I said. "I'll figure it out with or without you. At least with you, you'd be able to help me not make as many mistakes."

"I am not going to help," he replied, but he didn't sound confident. 

"Okay, then leave," I said. I didn't care if he wanted this or not. Once the money was gone, I could focus on changing back. 

"What? No. This is my house, not yours."

I held up my hand. "Well guess who has the fingerprints to unlock everything. Not. You."

His mouth dropped open. "You are not kicking me out of my own place."

"You're right. Someone else will do that for me."

"No, listen. Anne. Let's talk this out. We'll figure out something."

I shook my head, then looked down at the watch on my wrist. It probably would have paid for my college education. "It looks like you're late for work. Don't worry, I'll have someone give you a ride, then, one day, when we get out of this, I hopefully won't be unemployed."

"I'll quit," he replied instantly. 

I grimmaced. "Revenge is not a good look on you. It's pathetic." I got up from my seat behind the desk and opened the door, snapping my fingers as if a name would come to me. "Where's my assistant?" I asked. I turned towards Oscar. "What's their name?"

"What do you mean, assistant? Jamie's my friend. Just cause he lives here doesn't mean that he's my assistant."

"No, your assistant," I corrected. Footsteps were approaching in the hallway. Finally. 

Oscar gritted his teeth, looking more worried than angry at me. "I don't have an assistant," he said tersely. 

"What can I help you with?" a short woman asked, a glow to her features seeming to light the room with pleasure. 

"Please remove her from the premises," I said. 

"No, wait!" he shouted, giving me a meaningful look. "Oscar."

I shook my head. "We're done."

She reached out to take his arm to guide him away, but he jerked out of her grip, running towards me to whisper in my ear, resting his hand on my shoulder. "Listen to me," he hissed, squeezing my shoulder. "I do not have an assistant. I don't know who this person is, but I'm betting they're involved in this."

A wry smile slid onto my face. "Nice try, Anne."

"I'm being serious," he whispered, just as the woman grabbed him by his arm. He jerked back like she burned him, giving me a look of genuine fear that made my heart patter. 

Part of me knew I should take him seriously, since I didn't think he was lying. But the other part wished for him to experience being genuinely uncomfortable. That had to be a new thing for a billionaire. 

I turned around and sat back at my desk as the door shut behind him. 

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