He's Down in the Dumps, Charlie Brown

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It was another school day, and everyone had finished their noon session, and were waiting for the bell to go so they could go out for their lunch.

"Yay! Lunch!"

All the kids left their classrooms to have their lunch. Some went into the cafeteria, while others went outside. Some of those kids being Tommy, Frieda, Charlie Brown, Heather, and Five. As Tommy and Frieda took their bench, Tommy looked around and noticed Five.

"Hmm...." Tommy pondered.

There was Five, eating his lunch, looking very sad.

"Blegh!" groaned Five. "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like lost love!"

"Oh dear." Tommy thought.

"Tommy?" said Frieda as she looked over to Tommy, noticing his face.

"Frieda?" said Tommy.

"What's wrong, Tommy?" asked Frieda.

"It's Five. He looks sad." Tommy answered.

"Is there anything we can do about it?" wondered Frieda.


When school had ended for the day, Tommy, Frieda, Charlie Brown and Heather walked home together.

"So, where are you two off to?" asked Charlie Brown.

"I'm taking Frieda to the ice cream parlour. I could do with a sundae after a busy day at school." Said Tommy.

"Great idea, Tommy." Said Heather. "Charlie Brown and I are going to take Wally for a stroll."

"I thought that was Sally's job." Said Frieda.

"About Sally. She's doing a project with Eudora." Said Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown looked at Tommy.

"What's on your mind, Tommy?" asked Charlie Brown.

"He's thinking about Five." Frieda explained.

"What's wrong with Five?"

"He.... He's down in the dumps, Charlie." Tommy answered.

Charlie Brown walked over to Five, knowing that Tommy would just make him sadder due to him being with Frieda.

"What seems to be the problem, Five?" asked Charlie Brown.

"Ah, nothing." Sighed Five.

"Really? Well, how would you like to go to Lucy's psychiatry booth after school and explain your problems?" Charlie Brown suggested.

"If that'll make me feel better, Charlie Brown." Five sighed.

Five followed Charlie Brown's advice. When the school day was over, he walked over to Lucy's Psychiatric Booth for some advice.

"Oh. Hello, Lucy." Five said sadly.

"Oh, Five. So what brings you to my booth? My little brother?" asked Lucy.

"No. Charlie Brown brought me here." Five explained.

"Oh, Good Old Charlie Brown." Smiled Lucy.

"Yeah, thanks to the number of times he'd come over here." Five remembered.

"Anyway, Five. What seems to be the problem?" Lucy asked.

"I've been down in the dumps lately." Five said sadly.

"How come?" wondered Lucy.

"You know Frieda, don't you?" said Five.

"Yeah, she drives us crazy with her naturally curly hair!" Lucy sighed.

He's Down in the Dumps, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now