The Plan

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I woke up to Amara in my arms. The magic that flooded my veins was definitely not blood anymore. She was here, with me, and now I'll never be alone again. I have a plan. I'm never sleeping without her again.

I woke up to Ken staring at me, so I blushed. I know we're way past that, but I couldn't help it. I've been dreaming of his eyes being on me for too long. A look of longing, love, protection, and determination flooded his vision. I sat up, held his hand on his chest.
- What's the plan?
He smiled, then sat up and kissed me.
- First, coffee.

We ordered room service to get coffee and a decent breakfast, and during the meal, I started to tell Amara about my plan.
- You know how your parents wouldn't allow you to come to Italy unless there was a good reason behind you coming, right?
She nodded, and her hair swayed gently.
- How about the good reason being you getting a master's degree?
The idea was so simple, I didn't get how we didn't think of it before. I guess we were too busy hiding our feelings towards each other to think of it.

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