Puzzle Pieces

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Amara melted in my arms. All was right in the world. I put my freezing hand on her cheek, and deepened the kiss. There was nothing else I wanted from this unjust life. She was my angel, my anchor, my hero, the only woman I wanted to be with.

Funny how wrong things make us feel so right. Strange how two people can feel like incomplete puzzle pieces who can only be whole with the pressence of each other. At that exact moment, with Ken's lips on mine, where they belong, I realized I could never spend my life without him.

As much as I wanted that kiss to go on forever, we had to leave. I had to rescue my princess from the tower, but first, I had to kill the dragon.
- I want to talk to your parents.

I always praised myself to be smart, predicting others' actions, but Ken surprised me with a suggestion that was the definition of insanity. My parents would be happy to kill him, and me for that matter, so what was the point? He must have seen the surprise on my face for him to add the rest of his crazy plan.
- I won't escape anymore. If they'd kill me, so be it.

My lifeline looked so surprised. Of course she would. What I was suggesting was crazy indeed, but I had a good reason.
- I won't escape anymore. If they'd kill me, so be it.
I meant it. I needed Amara, and I couldn't fight the urge to keep her in my arms for ever, so I was ready to fight for her. What scared me was the notion that maybe she wasn't willing to fight for us as much as I did.

I needed Ken just as much as he needed me. We were both lost without each other, which is why I couldn't bring myself to lose him. He can't go inside. He can't fight the demons that resided in my parents' hearts. Only I could do that.
- Go to your hotel room, and I'll follow you there.
- what?!
- I'll talk to them, then follow you.
Beautiful Amara said as she put her tiny hand on my cheek.
- They'll kill you!
- Better me than you.

When Amara said those words, my heart was ripped into a million pieces.
- Better me than you.
How could I ever lose her?
- No! I won't let them touch you!
- How do you expect me to handle them touch you, then? I love you just as much as you love me, if not more. I'll tell them that I want to leave with you. They'll have to kill me if they refuse.
I stood there, in the snow. The sound of my broken heart was almost audible. I want Amara. She's all I ever wanted, but we have so much to risk if we declared our love to the world.
- Go inside, darling, and don't do anything tonight. I'll come up with a plan. See you tomorrow?
Her smile beamed at me, eclipsing the full moon that hung atop our heads. Her beauty would make a poet of me one day.

Of course I trusted Ken, but what magical plan was he concocting? Nevertheless, I smiled at him at the mention of a date with him tomorrow, and he returned the smile with one a million more beautiful.

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