Preface and Introduction

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For Ms. Forlini and for everyone who has supported my work.

Without you, I probably would have never been able to put my entire heart and soul into creating this story.

Thank you for deciding to read this story. This is the first time EVER that I've decided to electronically publish any of my works. I truly hope that you will enjoy this story and shed a few tears. I'm sorry if you do shed tears, though. 

I started writing this story when I just turned sixteen in 2011. I was inspired by stories my friends told me at the lunch table and somehow turned my ideas into a short novel of 65,000+ words. I originally intended for my novel to be only 15 chapters. The novel ended up being divided into 3 parts with 23 chapters. Part One was typed within the first few months, but I eventually put my writing on a 5 month hiatus. I decided to finish the story as my Independent Senior Project (ISP). Part One was almost completely rewritten and Parts Two and Three were added over the course of 4 months. I'm really proud of this story because I wrote it for myself. I truly put my heart and soul into this story, so if you can, please enjoy it!


The story is centered around the lives of Ren and Rina (as well as their friends Jason, Kai, and Lindy). I want to keep the whole plot-line a mystery so you can figure out the mystery behind Ren's past and feel shocked and surprised and horrified and depressed and a bunch of emotions as you continue reading.

(As a part of my ISP, I needed to add a research component into the story. I picked "The Stages of Grief" based on the Kubler-Ross model. Honestly, I had no idea how I was going to fit that into the story, but as I continued typing my little heart out, I figured out a way it could fit in (it's most obvious ALLLLLL the way at the end because that's when my marvelous idea popped into my head). Anyways, the story is just an emotional rollercoaster ride, so brace yourself and enjoy :)

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