Candy, Chips, and Ice Cream

Start from the beginning

"Ready to go?" He asks, starting to slowly push the cart, waiting for me to start walking. I hum as an answer to his question and start to drag my feet, following him. We - slowly - make our way to the checkout.

He pays for our snacks and we put the cart away. He carries the bag and pushes me to the truck. Once we get there, he helps me into the passenger side. I'm slightly more awake, though my brain's still foggy. I buckle up as he climbs into the car and does the same after he sets the bag in the backseat. He starts driving off and I try my absolute best to not fall asleep. Luckily it doesn't take too long to get back to my house.

Once the truck pulls into my driveway, I unbuckle and climb out. He grabs the snacks from the back before getting out and slamming the door behind him, making me flinch. I lead him to the door and walk inside, immediately going upstairs to my bedroom. I open my door and grab my laptop off of my desk. I collapse onto my bed as he awkwardly stands in the doorway, "Are you coming?"

He finally starts to slowly walk over. He climbs onto the bed and sits on top of my comforter. He reaches down into the bag before turning to me, "What would you like first?"

"Ice cream, please." I give him a smile as he hands me the pint of ice cream. A realization dawns on me when I open the container, "Crap, we forgot spoons."

"I can grab them."

"They're in the draw to the right of the sink."

"Got it, I'll be back." He heads downstairs and to the kitchen. I take it upon myself to find a movie for us to watch. Opening Disney+, I find 10 Things I Hate About You, and decide it's a good movie to watch.

After a few minutes, he finally enters back into the room. He sits back down as he hands me a spoon, "What are we watching?"

"10 Things I Hate About You."

"What's that?"

My head whips towards him, an appalled look on my face, "What do you mean 'what's that'."

"I've never seen it."

"It's only the best movie ever!"

"My sincerest of apologies."

"Uncultured swine." I mumble under my breath, yet he still manages to hear me.

"Wow, isn't that a little harsh?"

"I personally think it's the most appropriate term for someone who has never watched 10 Things I Hate About You."

"Very strong opinion but okay."

"Let's just start the movie." I press play, and the film starts.


Blake's POV

I look down at her, staring intently at the movie. We're at the end, Kat and Patrick getting to the prom. I've hardly been focusing on whatever has happened, simply staring at the gorgeous girl next to me.

She had about half of her ice cream, and now it's just melting on her nightstand while she snacks on Snickers. She wasn't joking about her loving this movie. Anytime I try to talk, she immediately hushes me. So yeah, it's been hard trying to get to know her. But I can already tell, there's something about this girl, she's most certainly intriguing.

There's something she's hiding, though. Not a dark secret, but a sad past. The way she flinches when there's a loud sound or the tears that are constantly in her eyes. She's been through something, but I know she'll never tell me.

It takes me a second to realize chocolate brown eyes are staring back up at me, confusion painted all over her features.

"You do realize that most people find staring at others creepy, right?"

"My bad." I turn back to the movie, trying to move past this.

"That's it? I thought you would have a snarky comment prepared."

"Nope, nothing." My eyes fixed on the small screen sitting in between us.

"Mhmm." She hums before turning back to the movie herself. At this point, the movie is almost over. After our quick conversation, she started to fall asleep, back facing me. She's now long gone and slowly starting to sleepily inch her way closer. She suddenly rolls over, now closer than before. I dont make any moves to stop her because I'm honestly too tired - and sort of wanting it to happen. I myself start to drift off, the voices coming from the computer fading into the background.

It's right before I fall asleep that I feel a small arm fall over my torso, and her head rest on my chest.


Only 2 weeks later than I wanted, but I hope it's good enough.

BTW, if anything doesn't make sense, just lmk, I tried to make sure it does, but there might be some details that don't align with what I've already written.

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