"Do you remember the first time?"

"Like it was yesterday. Jacob and I had been together for about eight months, and I got sick of sitting at home, so I went out with Jennie and some of her friends. We were in the club ; I was having the best time I'd had in months. I was dancing with some guy I had never seen before when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away from the dance floor. It was Jacob. He yanked me into the alley next to the club and slapped me, calling me a slut and a whore and a bunch of other things I can't remember."

"Why didn't you break up with him after the first incident?"

"I did. Jen convinced me that anyone who truly loved me wouldn't hit me. So I told Jacob the next day that it was over. A few days later he showed up at my front door with a dozen roses and swore up and down that he was a changed man. Stupid me, I believed him. That's how it went until a few weeks ago," explained Jisoo.

Lisa nodded in understanding. "I see. Why did you keep taking him back if he always broke his promises about changing?" she questioned.

"Because I loved him, and in his own twisted way, Jacob loved me, too."

"Did he ever abuse you in any other way? Verbally? Sexually?"

"He'd hit me, punch me, kick me, call me names I don't care to repeat. But did he ever force something on me that I didn't want? he wouldn't have even tried. He didn't have the balls for it. And Jacob also knew I wouldn't stand for it. I'd only take so much, and he knew just how far to push me."

They went over the night of the murder once again, Jisoo telling her every detail of what had happened. Her story never wavered from her original telling, and Lisa knew they had a strong case for dismissal. It was self-defense, no doubt about it. She hoped Judge Wellings thought so, too.

"I think I have everything we'll need for Tuesday," Lisa informed her client. "Rest up tomorrow; I want you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when we go to court."

"Got it." She smiled. "I've been meaning to ask you how the wedding was."

Lisa packed her things neatly into her briefcase. "It was nice."

"I see. You know, I'd ask how the wedding night went, but I already know the answer to that one."

Lisa lifted her eyebrows. "Do you now? What do you mean by that, Jisoo?"

"Jennie told me all about your little arrangement. Lawyers never cease to amaze me, you know that? Defending me in exchange for marrying my sister you guys reach new lows every day."

"There's more to it than that."

"Yeah, I know all about that, too. Your inheritance only kicks in if you're married for three years. And Jennie's the lucky girl. Or should I say unlucky? Jennie's young, and not nearly as experienced as you'd think when it comes to love. I'm gonna tell you something right now, Ms. Manoban. I don't care if you pull off a miracle on Tuesday and get me off, but if you hurt Jennie even one bit, I *will* kill you," Jisoo threatened. "Family sticks together."


"You *what*?!" Winter exclaimed.

Jennie took a sip of her milkshake and nodded her head. "You heard me. I got married yesterday."

"But how?" Nayeon asked running a hand through her red hair. "You aren't even dating anyone. How can you be married? The last date you went on was with Lucas, and that was the night Jisoo was arrested. I thought you couldn't stand him."

"I didn't marry Lucas, Yuck." She showed her two best friends her wedding and engagement rings. "You're looking at the new Mrs. Manoban."

"Jisoo's lawyer?" the redhead asked incredulously. "You married her lawyer?"


Winter, who usually didn't surprise easily, found herself in a state of shock. "Jennie, you've only known this girl a week. What do you really know about her?"

"You sound like Jisoo and Ella now. Please. I know her well-enough to trust her with my life." 'For the next two years and three hundred sixty-four days of it at least.'

Nayeon shook her head. "I can't believe you're married. And after knowing the girl less than a week. It's unreal."

"Tell me about it," added Winter. "You dated guys for three months who you wouldn't even let get past second base with you, and here you are, a married woman."

"Thanks for the recap, Winny," Jennie retorted.

"How did she propose?"

With a fake, dreamy sigh, the blonde newlywed began. "We'd been spending a lot of time together because of Jisoo. Lisa and I visited her one afternoon at the jail, went out afterward and got to talking. We clicked right away. So I invited her over for dinner the next night. We were sitting on the front porch talking when she pulled out the ring. She said she'd fallen in love with me when I walked into her office Monday afternoon and couldn't live without me. When she asked me to marry her, I said yes."


Brown-haired Winter wasn't nearly as impressed. She knew Jennie too well to believe she would marry some guy in less than five days. "Why so quickly? What's with the rush?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders. "We just did it; we didn't see any point in waiting."

"Not even for Jisoo?" she pointed out.

"We had her blessing. Look, neither one of us wanted a big wedding. Something small and simple, that's it. What's wrong with that?"

"Absolutely nothing, Jennie," Nayeon reassured her. "I'm happy for you."

Jennie turned to Winter. "What about you, Winny? Are you happy for me?"

"If you're happy, I'm happy," she responded, nodding her head. "You landed Daegu's most eligible bachelorette. I'm actually envious. When do we get to meet her?"

"I'll have to check her schedule. She's been really busy working on Jisoo's case."

"How's that going? Is Jisoo handling it okay?" Nayeon asked.

Jennie frowned. "I think she's holding a lot of her emotions in, but that's Jisoo for you. She doesn't like to show fear. Although in this case, I wish she would."

"What does Lisa say about it?"

"She's cautiously optimistic. But she told me yesterday that she thinks they have a good chance of getting the case dismissed on Tuesday. That's when the preliminary hearing takes place," Jennie told them. "Lisa's with Jisoo right now, putting the finishing touches on her statement. Then she'll be at the office until..well, I don't know when she'll be back. She told me not to wait up."

Winter couldn't stop herself from laughing. "So much for a romantic honeymoon."

"I could care less about that. I just want my sister home. And if it means giving up my honeymoon, so be it." 'Oh, I wish I could tell you guys the truth. But it's better for everyone if you just think I'm happily married.' 

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