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Alex and Hannah were in New York waiting for Danny to pick them up with Jackie's uncle.

"So tell me what are you going to say to her"Hannah turns to look at Alex.
"Honestly i don't know"he looks down walking towards the airport exit.
"Are you telling me that we came to New York and you don't know what to say to her?"
"I mean what should i tell her that i'm in love with her, that she is all i think about"he says stopping in front of Hannah making her put a surprised face.
"Hannah?"he asks wondering why that face.
"Do you mean that?"a voice says behind him.
"Jackie..."he whispers turning around.
"Hi"she doesn't know what to say so she looks at Hannah.
"So we should get going right?"she takes Alex by the arm and makes him walk to the car giving Jackie a sorry look.

They arrive at the apartment after a long car ride where Hannah and Danny talk while Jackie and Alex stay in silent.

"So he convinced you to come?"Jackie asks  sitting in her bed while Hannah takes her things out of the suitcase.
"Kinda i mean i wanted to"
"You two are crazy"Jackie says
"We just miss you Jacks, come back with us" Hannah sits by her side.
"I don't know i mean i love it there but all my life i've been here"
"You have us there Jacks you have your friends, they love you and we do too and Alex that guy is whipped like crazy"Hannah jokes making Jackie chuckle.
"Yea i know"
"We don't have huge buildings or huge malls but..."
"But you guys make me feel at home"Jackie says cutting her.
"Just think about it okey? and talk to him"Hannah gets up of the bed after hugging her.
"I will"

Hannah enters Danny's room and sees him talking with someone on facetime.
"Sorry"she says turning around to leave
"It's that Hannah?"the person on the phone says.
"Yea"Danny gestures Hannah to seat by his side.
"Oh hi"She says watching Erin on the screen.
"How was the flight?"erin asks
"Great, i slept the whole time"she laughs.
"Why im not surprised?"Erin jokes remembering when they were friends.
"What about you how is going on with theater?"
"i got the main role"erin says
"oh my god that's good that's really good erin"she smiles at the girl who was her friend.
"thanks H, i have to go bye guys"she hangs up .

"What's going on with you two?"Hannah turns to see Danny .
"nothing"he says
"i don't believe that but im gonna pretend i do"She gives him a look.

"So you two have talked or...?" Hannah ask when the sit to eat at a restaurant.
"No"she responds. "i don't know what to say to him i don't know if im coming back so..."
"I get it but you two like each other so much Jacks you can make this work"
"i guess"
"whatever you decide to do i will be there for you, you know that right?"
"yea i know, im so glad we met"
"me too Jacks me too"

It's been a while since the last update,sorry.

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