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We entered the McDonald's confident but left defected with ketchup in our hair and probably more diseases on us from that play place to count. It was time for hot topic as we decided spirit Halloween might scare the kid. We rushed in, Oliver making sure to throw his goldfish in any place he could. Oliver found a little black onesie with a bright green skull in the middle and took it off the shelf. Now there was only one thing left to do. Get ice cream. We got to the ice cream shop and you ordered a chocolate shake, Johnnie ordered a strawberry shake and Oliver ordered cotton candy ice cream. We all ate peacefully till Oliver went up to Johnnie and stole a sip of me and Johnnie's drinks and then went to give Johnnie a taste but he just put the ice cream in Johnnie's face. "Oh. Oliver!!" You said trying not to be to harsh. Oliver hugged your hand as a sorry and you grabbed some napkins and started cleaning Johnnie's face. He was using the Timmy voice while complaining, we went back to see what had happened at the house. As soon as we pulled to the front we saw Sam in his swimsuit with Colby getting chased by the girl with her pony and the boy was on Sam's shoulders. We got out and Johnnie lifted Oliver so he was sitting on his shoulders. "Bah!!" Oliver said contently. We went inside the house and gave Oliver an hour before bathtime to play. I started up a bubble bath and threw some toys into it with a bath bomb. I grabbed some bath crayons for him to play with and got out the soap and what he was gonna wear to bed. His skull onesie. I told Johnnie to grab Oliver and I gave him a bath and Johnnie brushed his teeth hair and changed him. God this dude will be the death of me. I walked by our room seeing Johnnie playing with Oliver with trucks and dinosaurs. He was so cute...Oliver...totally only Oliver. I did my nightly routine and got into a matching skull onesie with Oliver. I went to go read him to sleep but I saw him asleep in Johnnie's arms and Johnnie was holding his breath and not making any movement. I chuckled and told Johnnie to place him in his crib/bed. Johnnie gave Oliver a kiss on the head and walked over to the bathroom to get changed. Sure enough he was done with his nightly routine and came to bed.
Shit. I couldn't sleep. I think I'm starting the cycle again I don't have anything for it. I can't tell Johnnie or he'll think it's weird surely. I definitely didn't want Johnnie to think that of me...SHIT. I held my stomach and curled into a ball quickly bitting down on my lip to not wake Johnnie up. Maybe Tara had something? I went to get up to ask her but saw a huge blood stain on the fucking bed. Just my luck huh. I can't let Johnnie roll over on it or anything how do I get him out? I don't wanna be rude but he cannot see this. I guess I'll just put the blanket over it and rush him out of the room? I'm gonna feel so bad but it's better then telling him. I texted Tara to meet me in my room with all her feminine shit and told her what happened she said it would be best to just tell Johnnie and he would understand but I really can't do that. I like him to much and I can't have him thinking I'm some fucking weirdo. I covered the spot with the blanket and made sure the lights were off so Johnnie couldn't see any stains in my clothing. "Johnnie?" I shook him. "Johnnie please get up." I pleaded I saw him slowly open his eyes and I grabbed his hand for him to stand up and since his side was right by the door I pushed him out of it and shut and locked the door. Shit. Good thing I bought extra sheets cause I'd be dead. I took off the dirty pair and there was a knock at the door and Tara's voice coming after. "Y/n?" I quickly got up and unlocked the door. Johnnie was by the door still just on his phone. How am I going to get the sheets out without him noticing? How am I gonna explain to him why I kicked him out of the room? Tara saw me stressing and pulled me out of my trance and gave me some products. I went to the restroom and keep a box in there of (whatever u prefer to use) and cleaned myself up and changed into different pjs. (Rip skull pjs) and walked out to Tara stuffing the sheets into a bag. Smart. "Ok so we have everything dealt with but...Johnnie's gonna wanna know." I knew that he would he cares to much..."Uhm what am I supposed to do...?" Tara thought for a moment. "Jake fell asleep downstairs with Charlie (there kid) so you can sleep in my room tn and I can tell him? So that way you don't have to?" I knew we had to tell him one way or another. This was fucked. I'm gonna be known by my fucking crush- that sounds weird, as a weird girl. I can't fucking do this. "Sure but I'm not sure I'll be able to talk to him like ever again." I said. I can't face him after this I'm disgusting and this sucks. Tara gave me a quick hug and a sad look. "I'll take this down to the laundry so you go out first and head to my room and then I'll talk to him and put this in the wash. I'll meet you back upstairs?" She said making a plan. "Yeah." It's gonna suck ignoring Johnnie in the hallway. Fuck me dude (I wish he would I mean say what now). I opened the door Johnnie standing up and trying to ask me what happened. He looked so worried and caring. I just looked down and ignored him, he grabbed my hand but I pulled it away and I went to Tara's room and slid down the door locking it. I could still hear Tara and Johnnie's conversation though.

CLIFF HANGER! I fucking hate periods and this is based on a fem reader (so sorry!) but who knows what's gonna happen. Except for me obvi, there will be a bunch of drama coming after this trip so enjoy it as it lasts. Love you all!! Also 1129 words (:

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