Chapter 1 - Welcome to Rosas

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Once upon a time, there lived a powerful monarch who ruled over the magical kingdom of Rosas. Together with his wife, Queen Amaya, King Magnifico built the city up over several years, evolving their home into an enchanted land where desires transformed into reality—a place where wishes came true.

This was of course because of Magnifico's extraordinary abilities as a sorcerer. He had studied the ways of magic for most of his life, eventually learning how to manifest a person's hopes and dreams into something tangible, something real.

And so people traveled from far and near to reside in the city of Rosas, blissfully awaiting the day their wish would be granted by its most trusted leader.

Despite their kingdom's prosperity, the royal couple found their own happiness incomplete, for they longed for the laughter and joy of a child to fill the vast halls of their magnificent palace.

And their new Siamese kitten, Luci, simply didn't make the cut.

Unfortunately, the king and queen's wish was far too dangerous to grant using magic...

One day, as the golden sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the land, a young girl came sprinting past the king and queen during one of their outings, pursued by several castle guards. While on horseback, King Magnifico cast a spell that stopped the child in their tracks, allowing the guards to catch up to her.

Magnifico approached his servants, intently studying the girl in their grasp. She couldn't have been older than six or seven.

"What happened?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"We caught the kid stealing an apple," one of the men explained.

The king let out an exasperated sigh and dismounted his horse. "No, no, no," he groaned, placing both hands on his hips. "You have this all backwards, soldier." Magnifico knelt down, making a mental note regarding the thief's determined expression. "Rosas is a place for all. What's your name, little one?"

"Asha," the girl responded, trying to break free from her captors.

The king smiled. "What a beautiful name. Tell me, Asha. Where are your parents?"

Asha closed her eyes and avoided his gaze.

"I see." Magnifico stood, quickly glancing at his wife before returning his attention to Asha. "Do you know who I am?"

She nodded.

"You have a long way until you turn eighteen, Asha," Magnifico chuckled, ruffling her dark, disheveled hair. His blue eyes locked with her brown ones. "However," he paused, stroking his chin. "How would you like to give your wish to me right now?"

She violently shook her head, catching Magnifico off guard.

"Well, can you at least tell it to me then?" One look at the officer restraining her and she was set free. Asha peered over the king's broad shoulders at Queen Amaya, whose warm smile felt like a long-awaited hug.

She looked at the ground and murmured, "I wish... I... I wish to be like you someday."

"Well then," Magnifico held out his hand. "How would you like to live in a castle?"

She thought it over before returning the apple to King Magnifico, a single bite having already been taken out of it. Her eyes beamed, face contorted to reflect immense feelings of happiness. "Yes!"

Little did Asha know that her destiny was intricately woven with secrets, Dark Magic, and a legacy that would soon unfold, changing the lives of those around her forever...

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