-1- S.O.B

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Once upon a time, long, long ago, well, more like 20 years ago, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter married in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Fleamont united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all of the murderers and thieves, and basically all of the really interesting people, and kicked them off to the Isle of the Lost, with a magical barrier to keep them there.

That is my place.
No magic.
No WiFi.

No way out.

Or so I thought.



I giggled  maniacally, skipping away from the child.

"Sirius!" Marlene yelled condescendingly, "At least take the other kid's too, we're not cruel." Her tone sounded mean but she smirked at me as she passed by, snatching my cigarette out of my hand on the way.

"Hey!" I glanced around before spotting someone, "Oi! Lupin!" As he turned to greet me, I quickly grabbed the pack of fags from his back pocket to replace my stolen one.
"Black! Don't be like that, Siri."
I grinned and tilted my head up at him, very much invading his personal space, suddenly forgetting about the blonde's thievery.

"Really, Moony? We're on a last name basis again?"
Before I could do anything, I felt a sharp dig in my shoulder, and the lack of cigarettes in my hands, and I went flying backwards,

"Get a room."

"Hey, Reggie,"

"Hiya, Lupin!" A new voice rang out, I groaned, annoyed already.

"Crouch," I greeted, my brothers idiot boyfriend was always a bad influence.

"Black," He nodded vaguely in my direction before sliding his arm around Reggie's waist.

My brother glared at me, "Crouch," he said in a highly mocking tone, his voice high and face squished up. He lighted my cigarette before quickly throwing it on the ground.

I flipped him off but he glared at me again, in a more warning way. I knew that glare. Mother was there.

I raised my hand higher, prouder, to prove my point. I don't care about that household. I hate my family, excluding Regulus. I am my own person.

Regulus glared harder, real anger mixing into the warning, as well as fear for what may happen to me.

But bad attention is still attention, right?

Besides, I was doing Reg a favor, if I wasn't getting the bad attention, he would be. I can't let that happen.

Bad attention isn't good if it hurts those you love.

I made that mistake once. With Remus, my parents found him with me, doing something they. . . did not want to see, and being homophobic assholes, hit him. Then me, but I was more focused on him.

He tried to get me out of their target line, but I can't leave the isle, and it's too small to hide. I can't leave Regulus like that anyway.

Even bad attention is attention, right?

Maybe I just wanted attention.

I just wanted attention.

Maybe I needed attention.

Maybe I needed love.

Whatever. I found love. Anyways, so..

My mother cleared her throat, I could feel her eyes on me like pinpricks.

Their DescendantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora