Chapter 4

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Sticky's pov

It was the afternoon I was just chilling at my friend's geese house since we are having a sleep with fever and tama I was sitting on the couch being on my phone scrolling through some videos I kinda felt bored since there is nothing to do yet....I then got up and walked around why is tama and fever taking forever to get here!!! I then stood there for a few mins then I decided to go on a little walk outside I opened up the front door then walked out I made sure to close the front door after that I put my phone in my pocket and started to walk around the neighborhood I must say I do love the smell of fresh flowers it just makes my day happy even on the sad ones I should buy some at the near by flower shop.....Is that who I think it is?... I looked over to my left and saw Amor walking by is that blood on his hand?... It is...I should probably no I shouldn't were not friends anymore but why do I feel luke I should at least try to talk.... You know what I will I quickly turned around and started to walk over to amor "AMOR!!!" I yelled he turned around to look straight into my eyes with a death stare I walked up to him and grabbed his hand he quickly punched me hard in the face I let go of his hand and screamed in pain and quickly coverd my nose in pain!! I slowly started to lose my eye sight and then I felled down to the ground passed out....

At the bob gang house
"BOB WAKE UP!!!" Bosip yelled
"I'm going to call police!" Boder said
"We need to find amor NOW!" Bosip said
"Okag why TF WOULD WE F**KING GET HIM!!!" Bobal yelled
"Listen I will explain later alright Kai can you pls go to the bathroom and go under the sink and bring me some bandages?" Bosip asked
"Sure!" Kai said as he got up
"Thanks Kai" Bosip said
Bosip looked back over at bob and picked up his body and held it

MeanwhileAt the bob gang house"BOB WAKE UP!!!" Bosip yelled"I'm going to call police!" Boder said"We need to find amor NOW!" Bosip said"Okag why TF WOULD WE F**KING GET HIM!!!" Bobal yelled"Listen I will explain later alright Kai can you pls go to...

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"You will be okay..." Bosip said
"Bosip the police are coming" Bofo said
"I will do the talking" Bosip said
"What- Why not use!!" Bobal asked
"Because" Bosip said
"Huh? Oh bob your awake!" Bosip said
"Here Bosip" Kai said
"Thanks Kai" Bosip said
That's when the door was kicked down
"WHO HURT MY BEST FRIEND!!!" Lancer yelled
"OUR F**KING DOOR!!!" Bobal yelled
"Sorry.." Lancer said
"You're paying for it you know that?" Bob said
*Yep...You okay?" Lancer asked
"Here bob!" Bosip said as he put the bandage on bob

"Thanks- Where's amor?!" Bob asked"After he knocked you out he left" Kai said"Crap this really bad

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"Thanks- Where's amor?!" Bob asked
"After he knocked you out he left" Kai said
"Crap this really bad..." Bob said
"So he hurt my bestie" Lancer said
"Not thw tim-" Bob tried to say
That's when the windoww werw broken
"Oh sh-" Bobal tried to say
"BOBAL WATCH OUT!!" Bob yelled

Bob quickly shoved bobal out of the way of a falling cage but Bob ended up getting trapped!

"BOB!!!" Bosip yelled
"I'm fine leave me you guys can find me another way or day!" Bob said
"But&" Lancer tried to say
"F F FINE!!!" Bobal yelled
"F*ck this..." Bob said
"What are you doing?" Boweav tried to asked before they were teleported far away
"Stay safe.." Bob said to himself before he passed out
"Why the- why is he not answering!?" Bosip said
"Now calm down bosip" Bofo said
"He's not picking up!!" Bosip said
"This hase needs to go to an end..."
"WHO TF SAID THAT!?" Bobal yelled
"Look up..."
"WTF BOWEAV SHUT THE-" Bobal tried to yelled
"I'm not saying anything!" Boweav said
"Then who is?.." Bowaev said
"I am..."
"What-" Bobot said
"Bobal look above you." Kai said
"Huh- WTF AMOR!?" Bobal yelled

" Kai said"Huh- WTF AMOR!?" Bobal yelled

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