Take .1

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"Zayn. Zayn. Zayn. I can't believe you did this to your hair. Again!"

"Well, I like it and I think secretly, you do too, so stop your whining and hug me or something." Harry smiled at his fiance and moved over to him. Since that day at the suit place downtown Harry thought it was actually a pretty splendid  idea to marry the love of his life. Two days later Harry had Niall and Louis set something up in the secluded area of the park where he proposed. It was pretty cliche, but all that mattered was if Zayn said yes or not. And he did say yes by the way and now they're just waiting to actually tie the not. They're ecstatic.

"You know what?" Harry says, shocking Zayn out of his little daze. "You're right. I like your hair. I think you look stunning." 

Zayn raised his head and tried to give Harry a kiss, which did not go to plan due to massive amount of smiling. "That's a really nice thing for you to say. Thank you baby."

"And on a further note. I never got to thank you for taking me to see Jurassic Park the other day. It was fun." Zayn smiled backing away towards the room's closet until he was fully inside.

"Oh you're welcome!" Harry called out, beginning to loosen the buttons on his shirt. Formal interviews are stupid. He had an interview today for his book. At first the buttons on his shirt was halfway down but the lady who was interviewing him kept gawking at his chest. He was forced to pull it up or there would be no interview. The nerve of some people.

"So," Zayn said, sounding distant. "I got you little something."

"Oh did you?"

"I did. And I think you are really going to like it. I mean its for the both of us in a way but, its a gift from me to you." Zayn said..

"Well bring it out then."

Zayn laughed. "I'll try."


Harry turned the key in the ignition, turning off the car. He walked to the passenger side of the car and stood by Niall, Zayn, and Louis.

"So," Louis starts, and turns towards Harry. "This is what happens when you're a famous wealthy writer and your fiance is a pop slash RnB millionaire? Your rich and famous boyfriend gets you a house for no reason. You know what you get if you're the best friend of a famous pop slash RnB millionaire? you get a ticket to his concert. A concert which your entitled to come to. And if you weren't you'd still get in free anyway!" He exclaimed. "You know what Niall. Lets go claim a room." 

Louis walked off pulling Niall by the wrist and sticking his tongue out at Zayn then walking into the new home.

"So, You got me a house for taking you on a movie date?" Harry asks in bewilderment. Zayn lets out a nervous laugh and scratches the back of his neck.

"I, I guess I did."

"It's not just a thank you for taking me on a date either." Zayn says after a short pause as he turns to Harry to grab his hand. "I mean, we're getting married soon and I think we should have a new home for a new beginning you could say. Is that okay?"

Harry brings Zayn's hands to his lips for a quick kiss. "That's fine sweetheart. There's nothing wrong with wanting a big house so when we get children they'll have plenty of room. Great idea Zayn." Harry smiles a charming yet playful smile and speed walks into the new home leaving Zayn frozen in place.


"When did you get that?"

Harry lifts his head at the sound of Zayn's voice. A video camera is rested in his right palm, and Zayn is pointing at it.

"I actually already had it, but I had misplaced it a while back." Harry turns the camera over in his hands. "I don't even think I ever used it."

"Well," Zayn questions. "What do you want to do with it? We can always take it back, I mean the box is in good condition so it shouldn't be hard." Zayn says, picking up the small box on the bed they are sitting on.

"No, no. That's not necessary." Harry says. "I think I'm gonna keep it."

Zayn gets up and goes over to the empty dresser on the other side of their new bedroom. He starts rummaging through some Cd's. "If you say so."

"I do say so." Harry announces. "I'm gonna record everything up to our wedding." Harry finds pushes the on button and then he holds the camera up to his face and hits record. Then he says, but much more quietly, "I'm gonna record everything up to our wedding."

"I heard you the first time." Zayn tells him. He picks up a Cd and inspects it before  putting it in the one of two piles that he had made. "Why are you recording? What are you recording?"

"Why? Because I want to capture all the moments we have. And what? Turn around."

And Zayn did, he turned around and nearly had a heart attack. "No way Harry. No." Zayn placed a hand over his face and one up at the space in front of his face.

"What are you doing Zayn?"

"I'm not letting you do this Harry." Zayn words came out muffled due to the hand on his face. "Have you ever seen Paranormal Activity? They all want to record every little thing that happens in their life and they either end up dead or a demon. I refuse to become either of things Harry. I'll die eventually. But it isn't going to be by some evil spirit that loves being on camera, alright?"

Zayn had began to panic so Harry set the camera down to face them and he slowly made his way down to Zayn. He took the boy's hands off his face. 

"Hey. That is not going to happen, okay?"

"How do you know?" Zayn asked. And Harry faltered for a second.

"I don't," Zayn's eyes widened. "But I'm not going to let anything happen to you. If you want we can put salt up by the windows."


"Yes really. Nothings going to happen I promise." Harry said as he was engulfed into a hug. He squeezed Zayn tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Zayn breathed in Harry's scent and let out a light sigh."I'm so glad we're getting married."

Harry pulled out the hug, but left his hands on Zayn's waist."Awe sweetheart, I'm glad too." He cooed. Zayn swatted his hands away and began to walk out the door. 

"C'mon, the pizza should almost be here." and he left out the door. Soon enough Harry heard the doorbell over Zayn's feet moving down the stairs. He glanced around the room before picking up his video camera and marching his way down the stairs after his fiance.


You guys should know me by now I'm unpredictable. An I have planned that I'm going to write two chapters before I post one. That's easier for me to have this story not dragging and all that good stuff. But here you go the sequel.

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