-The Test-

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I wake up to the loud, annoying, buzzing sound, coming from my alarm clock. It was shaking my whole nightstand. When I reached over to turn it off, I knocked it into the piles of dirty clothes, books, and other things, just laying on my floor. As i sit up and put my feet down, I rest one on a sharp object. "Ouch" I whispered, I lifted up my foot to see that it was a fork, I picked it up and threw it across the room. Then I remember why I sat up, my alarm clock. As i grab it and turn it off, my mom yells "Conner, breakfast is ready."

As I enter the kitchen i am overwhelmed by the smell of pancakes and bacon. I see that, as asual, my dad sitting at the head of the table, my mom cooking, and my little brother playing with something. As I sat down in my chair, I noticed that everyone was so wrapped up in what they were doing, they didn't notice I walked in. So I decided to stare at the plain eggshell painted wall, till my mom made us our plates. After about 3 minutes of doing nothing, my mom puts a plate in front of me and I dig in like I haven't eaten in days. The pancakes were as fluffy and soft as a cloud drenched in love, the bacon was as crunchy as a taco, just the way I liked it, and the orange juice tasted like it was freshly squeezed. As I'm almost done with my plate I hear my name. "Conner", my dad said. "Yes sir?" I replied without looking up from my plate.
"Did u study for your test today?"
"Yes sir", I said still looking at my plate.
"Conner Reed look at me, right now."
I look up terrified to see what would happen if I didn't.
"Did you study for your test?
"Yes sir, I did."
"What is the square root of 3,115,225?"
"1,765" I say with out a moments hesitation.
" What would happen if you mix Zinc Chloride and Silver Nitrate?"
"One drop of Silver Nitrate on top of some Zinc Chloride would result in a rapid growth in green 'crystals'."
After a ton more questions, I looked at the time and freaked out, I was gonna be late if i didn't leave right then and there. I grabbed one last pancake, grabbed me stuff, and bolted out the door.

As I entered the school, I saw a sign in sheet, as I wrote my name a hologram popped up and said, "Welcome, Conner Reeds, today you will be taking the most important test of ur life, it is very important that you do your best. You will be testing in room 773, by yourself just like everyone else will be doing today. Thank you for your time, have a nice day." When it was over I run down the hall trying to find room 773, while I'm running down the hall I notice that some kids have already started while others were still listening to the instructions. When I enter room, all that is inside, is a chair with a ton of wires coming off of it, and wires sprouting out of the ceiling like vines. I set my stuff down to go sit in the chair, then as soon as i sit down the wires from the ceiling come down toward me. I try to move but I'm strapped down by some metal cuffs, that were freezing cold. As I lean foward something wraps around my head pulling me back, then everything goes black.


Heyy guys well I hope hope u liked this little bit that i hav showed comment anything u think i should improv on or change or watever well thats all for today bye

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