Wine, Bedsheets and a Knife

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"We don't have to do anything, Luce, just so you know. I don't expect anything from you that you are not willing to give," he said, a soft smile of reassurance on his face.

"Sorry, I'm just not sure I'm ready yet," she replied, her voice uneven. There was a safe distance between them while they were conversing for the first time as a married couple alone, behind closed doors.

"Lucy, er- how much do you actually... know?" Benedict asked, smirking slightly. Lucy felt her cheeks burn, and she cursed at herself in her head. She had to learn to control that, and soon.

"I know what occurs, in the- uh- marital bed. I know it is not always pleasant, and I also know it is my duty so I do plan on fulfilling it, but I hope you can understand that I need some time," Lucy responded nervously. Benedict then inched towards her slowly, continuing the conversation.

"It can be pleasant, though. When people truly care for each other, it can be more than just pleasant for both of them- us," he said. The gap between them was lessened by his movement towards her, and she felt her heart flutter.

"Really?" she asked, quietly. Her interest was piqued at that point. She was not aware that it could feel good for her- she was told that she would get used to it eventually, but not enjoy it.

"Yes. But do not worry, I shall wait until you are ready, Lucy," he replied. The space between them was almost nonexistent at that point. A beat of silence filled the room for a brief period of time, and Benedict reached his hand up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind Lucy's ear. His thumb then ran along her cheekbone lightly, before he cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. His other hand found its way to her hand and held it softly.

"Thank you, Benedict," she whispered.

"There's no need to thank me, Lucy. All I want is for you to be happy and comfortable," he replied, still holding onto her.

"This is a good start, then," she responded, forcing a nervous giggle. Benedict then dropped his hand from her face, after letting it linger there for a few more seconds, and led her to the table that was occupied with the wine.

"In the meantime, we can celebrate in other ways," he smirked, holding up a glass and pouring a generous amount of the maroon-red liquid into it. Lucy giggled and accepted the glass he offered her, and sat down opposite her husband who was indulging himself in some wine too. They chatted for a long while, neither of them feeling brave enough to initiate going to sleep. Lucy was tired, but she did not know how to communicate that to Benedict. She did want him to sleep in the same bed as her, but she had no idea if he wanted that as well and was too shy to bring the topic up. Sharing a bed with a man was something she had never done, and it was another step into womanhood in her book. After some more time, though, Lucy couldn't stifle her yawns for any longer, and Benedict finally picked up on her sleepiness.

"We should probably get some rest, I suppose," He said slightly awkwardly. He began playing with his fingers.

"Yes I think so," Lucy replied, also playing with her fingers. Benedict glanced around the room nervously for a few seconds and then cleared his throat.

"Well, I'll take the floor-" he began before being cut off by Lucy's higher-pitched than normal voice.

"Oh, there's no need for that, I'm sure. The bed is rather large, after all," She interrupted. Silence again. After a few seconds of just staring at each other, wide-eyed, Benedict broke into a grin.

"How long do you think it will take for us to get used to this?" he asked, laughing. Lucy then returned his smile with a breathy chuckle of her own.

"Not very, I hope," she responded. Her heart came to a slight halt then, when the realization dawned on her that she had to change for the night.

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