Part 20

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A/N: This is the last part of this story, with a six year time jump. Pretty much just a sappy, happy Stellaride content. Because who doesn't love happy Stellaride 😉

Also, I want to thank you all especially the loyal reads who commented on every chapter, and DM me on how much you love this story. I know some of you are sad about me ending this story, but I felt it was time. And I hope this chapter gives you some closer. And again I thank you for supporting me.

I hope you guys continue to read my other stories and comment, your comments and opinions mean alot. 💜

Time flies. Time flies faster every year. Time flies whether you're having fun or not, whether you're living your life big or small, whether you surround yourself with fear or laughter. That's the thing with time, isn't it? It's not all the same. Somedays, – some years, – some decades – are empty. There is nothing to them. It's just flat water. And then you come across a year, or even a day, or an afternoon. And it is everything. It is the whole thing.

The last six years have flown by in a blink of an eye. For the Severide family, six years of marriage and six years of making memories with their kids. Six years of living life together were the best six years of Kelly and Stella's lives; even the bad days were worth it as long as they were together. Communication was the key to everything, as long as they were always open and honest with each other, they could get through anything.

A lot has happened over the last six years for the Severide family. Two months after the wedding and the birth of their son Elijah, they headed to Disneyland for their honeymoon. The whole family went, including Jennifer and Benny. Which gave Stella and Kelly a chance to be alone on their honeymoon. Benny was true to his word. Kelly's not sure what actually happened to him that changed his dad, but he's happy it did.

Six months later, Benny moved to Chicago and bought a house.  He became the most awesome grandpa Kelly could have ever wanted for kids. And he and his dad finally started mending their relationship; things between the two have never been better.

A year later, it was revealed that Benny and Jennifer were dating, and things were getting serious. Which at first caused some friction between the couple and Kelly. Stella wasn't thrilled about it at the beginning, afraid of Jennifer getting hurt again. But she also wanted to truly believe that Benny wasn't the same man anymore. She had seen a huge change in him, so she decided, after verifying with Jennifer that a relationship with Benny was what she really wanted, that she would accept it and somehow convince Kelly to accept it too. After some time and many disagreements, Kelly finally accepted it, but he also told her he would keep a close eye on them. He knows his dad so well that he could always tell when he was up to something or getting ready to take off.

Two years later, Benny and Jennifer married in Kelly's and Stella's backyard, with Kelly as his best man and Stella as Jennifer's maid of honor. The girls, who were ten then, were bridesmaids. Gabby and Matt's daughter Grace, who was three at the time, was the flower girl, with her mom's help, of course. Matt sat there, smiling at his daughter as he held their infant son. Joshua Dylan Casey was born a month before the wedding, and Elijah, who was also three at the time, was the ring bearer. The wedding was beautiful and heartwarming watching the older couple vow to love each other again. Stella prayed that the marriage actually worked out this time. She knew that Kelly was happy to finally see them work things out, but being the overprotective son that he is when it comes to his mom, part of him was still on the fence about their relationship. But he hoped his dad continued to prove him wrong.

Six months after the wedding, Stella found out she was pregnant after collapsing on a call, where she was rushed to the hospital. She was a little surprised, especially finding out she was ten weeks along. But she wasn't freaking out or worried about how soon it was this time. She felt more at ease and anxious about the idea of being pregnant again. She was truly happy and excited; Kelly and the girls shared her happiness, as did Elijah, even though he wasn't sure what it meant. She had a dinner party and invited Benny, Jennifer, Gabby, and Matt. She couldn't wait to announce her pregnancy to everyone. When she and Kelly stood up to make their announcement, Gabby dropped her fork in a dramatic way. Causing everyone to look at her questionably. But when she jumped up, laughing and crying like a crazy person, she announced she and Matt were expecting a baby too. She too was around ten weeks; it was a strange coincidence, but also a pretty awesome one. Stella had to laugh when Gabby told her, because she already told Stella after having Joshua that she was done having kids; two was enough. She wasn't going through any more pregnancies. She told Stella that three is enough, and Stella keeps telling her she has to have one more to be tied with her. But Gabby insisted there's no more coming after this one. Stella told her she was done after this one to; four kids seem like a good number. She is content with the family she and Kelly have created, along with their now-three cats, two dogs, a hamster, and a bunny.

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