Part 17

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The couple stared at each other for the longest time, both processing in their own way what was just asked. Marriage is a huge step, a big commitment, and a bigger commitment when kids are involved.

Stella was surprised-really surprised-and she wasn't prepared for that question right now, not at all. It came totally out of the blue. Well, not totally out of the blue, she knew it was going to happen one day, one day far in the future. Not now; the timing was definitely not right. Why would he pick now to ask her, with everything going on and Madison being so upset and angry? He clearly wasn't thinking straight. And hell, it wasn't even a real question; he didn't say, Will you marry me? He said marry me; it was more of a demand. Not a question, which is a big difference. She thinks.

Kelly surprised himself with those two words flying out of his mouth. The thought has crossed his mind a time or two, but he wanted it to be planned and thought out. It was supposed to be a romantic dinner or something surprising. He doesn't even have a ring yet, and he wanted to ask the girls first. Not blurted out like that. But he couldn't help it, listening to her say that she wants to be the one he comes to when he needs comfort, reassurance, or to vent. He loves her, and he knows she loves him; they are having a baby together; she loves his daughter, and he loves her daughter, so why not make it official?

Stella took a deep breath, knowing what she was about to say was going to hurt him. She pulled away from him. And looks down into the yard. Haley was having fun jumping on the trampoline all by herself. She felt her tears burning her eyes. She's about to mess up the best thing to happen to her in years. And hurt Haley in the process. This is exactly why she didn't want to get involved with anyone, because when it ends, she's not the only one who gets hurt.

Kelly wasn't liking the awkwardness between them now or that she pulled away from him. She turned her back to him, and he could tell by the way her hand kept going to her face that she was crying, and he knew it wasn't happy tears either. He closed his eyes for a moment, needing to pull himself together. He had to pretend that it just slipped out that he didn't mean it; he couldn't take hearing her say the actual word no to him. So it was best to play it off. "I didn't mean that." He says this, ignoring the pain in his chest as he lies to her.

Stella's eyes widened at his words. She slowly turned around, facing him. He had his hands in his pockets, staring at her neverously and concernly. She looked into his eyes, his sad blue eyes, which told her he was lying. "Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't; it just slipped out, Stella. I don't even know where it came from." He insisted.

"Kelly, your eyes always give you away. They speak the truth when your voice can't."

He sighed and looked down at the ground.

"I love you, Kelly; I really, really do with my whole heart." She hated that he wouldn't look at her. "Now is not the right time...

"You're saying no!" He was in disbelief and felt rejected. His daughter tells him she hates him; Haley is back to calling him Kelly instead of dad; and now his girlfriend is telling him she doesn't want to marry him.

"I'm not saying no, I'm just saying that now seems...

" Hey! It's fine I understand completely." He interrupted her. "I need to go talk to Madison."

"Kelly..." She began, but he walked away like he didn't hear her. Yep, she just messed things up; she rubbed her stomach. "Your mama didn't handle that well."

Kelly walked into the house and closed the backdoor. He leans up against the door as he tries to pull himself together. He needs to put Madison first; she needs to be his main focus right now. Not the end of his relationship, because he knew that was coming next. As he got ready to walk upstairs, he heard Madison's voice.

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