Part 10

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Stella was fuming; she let go of Kelly's hand and walked over to Jessica, stopping just inches away from her. Stella studied her face suspiciously. When Jess was younger, Stella could always tell when she was lying by how she looked around the room or how she would play with her hair. But now that she's a certified pathological liar, it's hard for Stella to read her like she used to.

Jessica stood in front of Stella's hot gaze with a smile on her face, like she had just accomplished the biggest challenge of her life. "Stella..." was all she got out before she was hit by a hard strike across her face.

Kelly, Gabby, and Matt's eyes widened in surprise, and their mouths dropped. Gabby couldn't help the smile that crossed her face after that slap.

Jessica held her right cheek, as she stared at her sister in disbelief, she couldn't believe she just slapped her. Stella has never hit her before. "What the hell.

Stella slapped her hard again across the other cheek with the back of her hand. Jessica stood there in shocked silence.

The room was completely silent for a moment. Kelly watched Stella carefully; he knew she would break down after realizing what she had done. She'll feel guilty, and he will try to convince her she has nothing to feel guilty about. Gabby, on the other hand, was in heaven and loved that Stella slapped Jessica twice; she's hoping she'll slap her again.

"The first slap was for telling Haley about Grant," Stella spoke in an enraged tone, breaking the silence of the room. "And the other slap was for that lie you just told."

"I didn't lie," Jessica said as she massaged her cheeks.

"You have been lying to me for over nine years. And thanks to Kelly, I finally know the truth about everything."

Jessica looked over at Kelly, who was looking down at the floor. "What the hell are you talking about? Lie to you about what?"

"One Grant is not Dylan's or Joshua's dad. I have the DNA results, and Grant knew they weren't his. " Jessica's mouth went dry. "I know about Grant's money." Jessica closed her eyes as Stella continued. "I know about you getting all his money and the two houses he left you. And when he was alive, he gave you money every week."

Jessica swallowed hard as her tears ran down her face. "How did you find out?".

"I have my ways," Stella tells her as she watches her sister cry, she wants to feel bad for her, but she can't because she has caused so much hell in her life. She can't just let it slide anymore. She is tired of all the drama and lies. "So, it's all true, huh?"

Jessica didn't answer; she just looked down at the floor. which Stella knew meant everything was true. "How did he get all that money? Why did he leave it to you? Why didn't his daughter get a dime of it? "

"You got his life insurance policy when he died; he made sure you got that if something happened to him."

Stella laughed bitterly. "It was a 10,000-dollar policy. The funeral itself was over 9,000 dollars; you know that you helped me plan it."

"Look, I know you're upset over him not leaving you any money. But I can give you money; just say a price."

"I'm upset because I was lied to for over nine years. Screw the money; I don't want his money. I don't need his money. And I for sure in hell don't want any money from you. I want an answer to why his daughter was left out of his will, but you, his mistress, and your boys were in his will but not his biological daughter. That makes no sense. Help me make sense of that. " Stella yelled. She was getting furious with her."

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