Chapter 10: ~In the Space Between~

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7 years ago, all the rumors spread and all the students look down on you with judgmental looks in their eyes.

Your fathers friend the Uncle raised you has been murdered and everyone started gossiping about a fake father who raised you as a mutt. By the time you found the body you were number than Vi who left you like Anakin did before her.

No one bothered to say a word as they watched you walk by them in the hallway, apologetic looks on their faces as they sent those expressions your way, silently sorry for the loss of  your uncle. You didn't bother to pay attention to them, keeping your head down low, your father stuck on your mind.

You continued to avoid eye contact with everyone as you eventually stopped by at your locker, opening it up while taking off your backpack. When the sound of one of your classmates called out to you, you sighed as you protested about the bullying for the day.

However, when your bully placed his hand on your shoulder, claiming he just wanted to talk, you spun around and grabbed a hold of his collar of his sweater, lifting his feet up from the floor while pinning him to the lockers.

Eyes wide as he didn't expect that a bit, the boy placed his hands on yours, hoping to speak to you and say sorry for your loss. Gasps could be heard as people in the hallways had stopped in their tracks at the sight.

Near the end of the hall, Vi had been walking with her sister when she noticed what was happening in front of them, both stopping and watching like everyone else had been doing.

"It feels better, right?" He breathes out. "Look, your uncle died. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry."

Tears pooling in your bronze eyes as you shook your head, disbelief coursing through you that the man who had practically became a father to you was dead and your bully wasn't bullying you for it, you slowly let your hands release from his neck, hearing the boy whisper another sorry to you.

Not bothering to say anything back, you reach down and grabs your backpack, turning around and walking off in Vi's direction.

The sound of her voice reached your ears as you stop for a second before ignoring her, not wanting to talk after she left you with Caitlyn. You just keep on walking away on betrayal and heartbroken. Not needing to hear anymore apologies that you had heard from the police and even the teachers and principal. 

As you walked off, you felt Vi's sad eyes watching you leave in regret.

{~Present Time~}

Everyone was worried about you as they all huddle up in a hug bringing up Vi too. You told them that you are fine and all and Niro bombarded you with a scolding manner and told you and Vi take a bath and change new clothes.

Not only did Vi have to take quick showers but they were also really god damn freakin cold. The first time she got to soak in a warm tub, you thought she was gonna live there for the rest of her life.

Of course she encouraged you to get in the tub with you. And you did. It turned into a little more than a bath. Ever since then Vi loves getting home and take a warm bath with you after you have dinner together.

"Well today was hell, I'm gonna go take a bath, my whole body feels sore. Do you wanna join me? "

"No, it won't be an hour! This time... "

"Come on Cupcake, I missed you."

"Look, let's just clean ourselves up, I'm gonna sneeze!" You finished quick by drying your body before you blow dry your long dark wet hair.

In The Space Between (Vi x Reader) Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now