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──────     Lover of mine    ──────1

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──────     Lover of mine ──────
1.03 — The Cole effect, part 1
❝ I know I'm not the only one leaving the back door open for someone. ❞

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      SARAH SAT ALONE in class, because Sophie had an emergency meeting with the student council. Something about Homecoming and having no ideas yet.

Behind her sat Lee with his friend Joey. They would exchange words but not so much, since Joey was a little bad at keeping his eyes off her. And Lee noticed that very quickly, slapping him across the chest. "Dude, just stop."

Sarah Kate felt uncomfortable in return and spent the rest of the time staring at her homework and occasionally making a few assignments. She thought Lee had stood up for her to be a good friend, but he was actually being a good brother.

Everyone knew Isaac had a soft spot for the girl, but no one knew how bad it was. Not even Isaac himself knew, but his brother did. As if he hadn't noticed Sarah would occasionally sneak in at night to sleep over. He didn't know why exactly, but he supposed it was about her parents.

A classmate of his knew her neighbor and she told a bunch of people that the Olsen household had trouble keeping their business quiet.

Not that he told Isaac or anything. Last thing he wanted was for his brother to pick a fight with every single person that spread the rumor.

Again, Lee slapped his friend when he was checking her out. "You are way too behind on schoolwork to even glance away from your textbook." The boy scoffed.

Joey rolled his eyes at him. "Shut up. You already ruined my chances in talking with her."

Unknown to them, Sarah heard the conversation and she desperately wanted to disappear. Where is Sophie when you need her?

"Like'd you have a chance." Lee chuckled. Class soon ended after his comment and his friend was irritated to say the least. Lee tapped Sarah on her shoulder, giving her an apologetic smile. "Sorry about him."

"No worries."

"Are you coming to lunch? You can sit with me."

Sarah grimaced slightly. "I don't think I wanna spend any more time with that friend of yours."

"Right." Lee grimaced with a nod.

"I'll go see if Isaac is available. But thank you, though." Sarah grabbed her things and waved him goodbye, making her way to the canteen. It wasn't hard to spot her friend, he only sat with two of his friends today. She could handle that. "Hey, Isaac."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄! Isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now