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by 초융한


"Good morning, auntie. Is Sunoo ready?!"

Ni-ki greeted as he entered the house. It is 8 in the morning, and Ni-ki is here to pick up Sunoo so they can go to the school together. Usually, Jungwon would also come w him, but today, Jungwon went w Jay.

"He is up in his room. You can go there."

Ni-ki nodded to her and went upstairs towards Sunoo's room. He knocked on the door and entered the room after receiving a "Come in" from Sunoo.

When he entered the room, he saw Sunoo sitting in front of the mirror while putting on some liquid, which he supposed was a serum in his face. He just went and sat on the bed while his eyes were on Sunoo.

"Stop staring at me, I know I'm beautiful."

Sunoo spoke as he was finally done and looked towards Ni-ki through the mirror.

"I was not staring and hurry up, or else we'll be late for school."

Ni-ki stood up and started heading outside as he picked his bag from the ground. 

"Nishi, wait a minute."

Sunoo quickly went towards the boy who looked at him w 'what do you want now?' expression.

"A kind reminder to you, we're going to school not to perform in a stage. So button up."

Sunoo pulled Ni-ki by his collar to reach his level. He then buttoned Ni-ki's shirt buttons and adjusted the tie.

"Y'know your existence alone makes the girls crazy so you don't have to show so much skin to impress them."

Sunoo said while Ni-ki just looked at him.

"Are you jealous, princess?!"

Ni-ki smirked and leaned in a little more while Sunoo wide his eyes and blushed at the nickname but played it cool in order to hide his red face.

"Jealous, my ass."

Sunoo slightly pushed Ni-ki and went to take his school bag.

"Aw. Are you shy by the nickname, princess?!"

"Omo, the princess is blushing."

Ni-ki teased as he followed Sunoo's footstep.

"Just shut up, Nishi, don't annoy me early in the morning."

Sunoo headed downstairs while Ni-ki followed him, still teasing him by the nickname.

"What happened, boys? Why does Sun look mad and red?"

Their aunt asked as soon as she saw they. Sunoo pouted and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Riki is teasing me."

"No~ when did I do that?! I was just complimenting you."

Their aunt just chuckled at their cuteness and told them to stop fighting and have their break fast, which they followed. After having breakfast during which Sunki just had little and childish fights while their aunt just adored them, they headed towards the school and also not forgetting to inform their aunt that they're going to hang out after school.



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