Chapter 22

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Woojin wipes his hands on his pants while he's standing in front of the door. He has to admit he hasn't been this nervous in a while, but he has a mission. His 'boss' told him he had to do this and honestly, Woojin wants to do this too. The blonde shakes his head, he has to focus. After he takes a deep breath in, Woojin knocks on the front door. He hears muffled sounds and a few seconds later Scoups appears. Woojin blinks surpised when he looks at the older. He looks tired, mentally tired. Woojin almost pities him. No, you can't pity him. He doesn't deserve it. He's a murderer. 
"I'm sorry, am I bothering?" Woojin asks innocently. Scoups' lips form a tiny smile.
 "I have to admit it's not the perfect timing," he mumbles unsure, "but whatever, come inside." Woojin nods thankful before he enters the apartment. If he has to believe the stories, Joshua used to live here once. Woojin chuckles, there is no sign of Joshua left in this apartment, except for one little picture hanging on the wall, above the couch. On the picture, Joshua is standing next to a red-haired male. Joshua seems happy, his smile is wide and bright, Woojin doubts if he ever saw his leader smile like that. Could that red-haired guy be the Jeonghan everyone talks about?
"I couldn't make myself delete that picture", Scoups mumbles. Woojin was so far in his thoughts he flinches surprised.
"Is that Jeonghan?" Woojin asks carefully and Scoups nods confirming.
"Do you, uh, maybe want to have a drink?" Scoups asks a bit awkward and Woojin nods while he looks around the room. He still has a job to do. 
"Is Dino home?" Woojin asks.
"No, he's not. So you don't have to worry about him and his crazy theories," Scoups says chukling, "do you want some coffee or water?" he adds.
"Water please", Woojin answers while he puts his hand on his pocket. Why is he so nervous? This is something he wants to do, something that has to be done.
"What brings you here?" Scoups asks curiously before he places the glass of water on the kitchen table. Woojin's mind starts to race, what could he say?
"I uh, I just wanted to see how you were doing", Woojin responds. 
"Well, I'm doing fine", Scoups answers smiling. You won't be after I'm done with you, Woojin thinks while he sits down on the couch. The thought gives him confidence. Scoups sits down besides him and rubs his eyes tired. Woojin's eyes soften, but he quickly shakes his head to get himself to focus.
"Shall we just watch something? I'm a bit tired", Scoups mutters and Woojin nods. It's perfect, Scoups will be distracted and Woojin can do his job. When Scoups takes the laptop, his eyes are fixed on the screen. Woojin calmly lets his hand slide in his pocket when he touches something cold. He wraps his fingers around the handle and carefully takes out the knife. Scoups is still distracted, good. All Woojin needs is just one swing, then he could take away this murderer's life. But when Woojin slowly brings the knife closer to Scoups, the older fixes his eyes on him.
"You haven't touched your water yet", he notices and Woojin almost jumps in the air startled. 
"I uh, I will drink later", he stutters and Scoups shrugs unbothered. Woojin takes a deep breath, ready to strike again. But then his mind changes. Why would he take away Scoups' life? Didn't he already pay for his actions? His boss already told Woojin how tough Scoups' time in jail has been. Beaten up by cellmates and even by guards, always being hungry, his friends visiting less, and even more. And looking at Scoups now, he looks tired. Woojin curses at himself for being so weak. But when he looks up at Scoups again, he notices he isn't really moving anymore. Scoups' head is looking down so Woojin can't really see his face because his chin is against his chest. Careful, Woojin takes Scoups' head and slowly pushes it back, revealing the closed eyes. Scoups is sleeping. Woojin curses again and gently places Scoups head against the leaning of the couch so Scoups is a little more comfortable. 
"Woojin, stop being so kind, you need to murder him!" he whipsers to himself. Woojin grunts frustrated while he gets up and takes the laptop, which was lying on Scoups' lap. He places the laptop on the kitchen table and takes a nervous sip of his glass of water. Woojin is still holding the knife and he looks at Scoups and back at the knife. He has to murder him now. That way, Scoups can't scream and he also won't feel pain, right? Woojin takes a deep, nervous breath and walk towards his victim. He wiggles his fingers around the handle of the knife while he steps closer. Just one stab, one swing, it doesn't matter. Just one and it's done.
"I'm sorry", Woojin whispers while he lifts his arm, ready to stab Scoups right in the heart. But right at that moment, the front door opens and Dino stares at Woojin in shock. Shit, that stupid jerk is on to him. Out of relfex, Woojin throws the knife towards Dino and it lands in the wall, only a few inches from Dino himself. The brunette screams and Woojin is quick to run over to him and shut his mouth with his hand. 
"Shut up!" Woojin demands the brunette and Dino finally shuts his mouth. After a little bit of hesitating, Woojin uncovers Dino's mouth. He keeps looking at Woojin and back at Scoups, until his eyes finally land on Woojin and stay there.
"Did you murder him?" Dino asks, his voice trembling concerned. Woojin chuckles amused. This kid really is naive at times.
"Do you see any blood?" Woojin responds and Dino slowly shakes his head.
"You made his life a little bit longer, congrats", Woojin says dryly and Dino gives him a death stare.
"You're the ninth member of Stray kids", Dino mumbles shocked and Woojin starts to laugh.
"You are unbelievable", he says inbetween his laughter. Dino stares at him confused, he clearly doesn't what to do.
"Stop laughing! Answer me!" Dino yells frustrated and Woojin's laughter dies down immediatly, only to change into a threatening look. 
"If he wakes up," Woojin growls while he points towards Scoups, "you're dead." Calmly and with his eyes fixed on Dino, Woojin takes the knife from the wall. Dino gulps nervously, but tries to stay calm.
"You still haven't answered my question", he says slowly and Woojin grins. He knows he has the power now.
"You will never stop having crazy theories, won't you?" Woojin chuckles evil.
"But I have to admit that you're clever. You're not always wrong", Woojin adds and Dino gasps.
"I knew it!" he exclaims, Woojin chuckles satisfied when he realizes Dino is trying to keep his voice down. 
"Oh did you now?" Woojin says.
"What?" Dino asks confused, but Woojin already changes the subject.
"No single word about this, to no one. If someone finds out about what happened here...", Woojin threatens.
"Then what? You'll kill me?" Dino suddenly scoffs. Woojin looks at him disgusted, he hates it when Dino has so much confidence.
"I'll kill them", Woojin answers and he smiles satisfied when he sees Dino's confidence dropping.
"Good luck keeping your mouth shut, I have eyes and ears everywhere", Woojin says smiling innocently. He wants to leave, but Dino grabs his arm roughly. Woojin grunts annoyed, did he forget Woojin is carrying a knife?
"What if the cops get you before you're able to hurt anyone?" Dino asks threatening. Woojin scoffs, this kid and his confidence.
"Then I'm in jail, but that won't change a thing", he says calmly.
"How so?" Dino asks.
"There are many people who hate you and even more who hate him", Woojin says as he looks at Scoups. The older is still sleeping peacefully, not having a clue of everything that's happening around him. 
"What do you mean?" Dino asks, suddenly scared. Woojin grins, he knows Scoups is Dino's weak spot. 
"I have my reasons for what happened just now, but remember Stray kids. The three, or technically four, of them will be more than glad to watch you all breath out your last breaths. And beside that, I don't think Aylen will be kind for long anymore", Woojin says, his voice sounds calm.
"H- How do you know about Aylen?" Dino asks confused and Woojin smirks while he frees his arm from Dino's grip. 
"I already told you, I have eyes and ears everywhere", Woojin says grinning before he turns around and leaves a shocked Dino behind. He knows he took a big risk exposing himself to Dino, but he is sure that no one will actually believe him. 

Woojin's walk home was surpisingly peaceful. He could clear his mind, think of a plan for all possible scenario's with Dino and the whole situation. Now he arrived home and when he enters the room, he smiles when he sees a familiar face in front of him.
"Hi, you're back!" the hazelnut-haired male says smiling.
"I am, where's Aylen?" Woojin asks.
"She went towards Scoups, she wanted to try again, you know her", he says rolling his eyes chuckling and Woojin giggles as well. He can't believe Aylen still wants to be with Scoups. She probably doesn't know yet, although she knows enough.
"How was your day?" Woojin's temporarily roommate asks.
"Awesome, Jisung. My day was awesome", Woojin answers with a grin.


"Scoups? Wake up, please!" Scoups blinks tired while he is slowly waking up. When he can see clearly, he notices a concerned Dino towering over him. Scoups rubs his eyes before he sits up straight.
"Oh my god, did I fall asleep?" Scoups mumbles a little embarrassed.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah you did", Dino says softly. Why does he sound so weird?
"Oh, shit. Woojin must've left out of boredom. Poor kid", Scoups curses while he covers his face in his hands. 
"I don't think you have to worry about Woojin", Dino mutters unbothered. Scoups frowns confused and lowers his hand again to look Dino in the eye.
"What's wrong? You look so pale", Scoups asks, starting to get worried. Dino looks at him, opens his mouth, hesitates, but speaks anyway.
"Woojin tried to murder you", Dino blurts out and Scoups can't believe his ears.
"What?" he asks shocked.
"I caught him standing next to you with a knife! He was ready to stab you to death!" Dino exclaims, he looks like he's scared, which is concerning Scoups.
"But Woojin wouldn't do something like that, he's part of the Titans!" Scoups objects and Dino sighs frustrated.
"I know what I saw", Dino states firmly, but Scoups can't get himself to believe his roommate. He watches Dino's eyes darken and worry rises up in Scoups' body.
"Are you okay?" Scoups asks softly.
"I'm fine", Dino grunts as he looks away from Scoups.
"No, you're not Dino. Is it because of me?" Scoups asks.
"Of course it's because of you, Scoups! You're hurting me, you never believe me! Just..., Ugh!" Dino yells as he walks away.
"What are you doing?" Scoups asks triggered. He immediatly gets up.
"I'm leaving", Dino answers bold and Scoups rushes to his friend and grabs his arm before Dino is able to open the front door.
"You can't leave!" Scoups rejects, suddenly feeling desperate. He can't let Dino go with a fight again.
"And why not? We're fighting all the damn time and we're not even happy anymore!" Dino exclaims and the words hurt Scoups, but he knows his answer will hurt even more.
"Were we ever happy?" Scoups asks, his voice lowered down. He watches as Dino's eyes start to sparkle, not from joy, but from tears. Scoups tries to make eye contact with Dino, but the younger keeps looking away.
"I was", he mumbles and Scoups feels like his heart gets stabbed. Shocked, Scoups releases Dino's arm from his grip. A silence that feels like eternity grows between the two friends.
"You can't leave", Scoups whispers firmly.
"And why do you care so much!?" Dino asks, raising his voice again.
"Because I need you, goddamnit!" Scoups shouts. Dino stares at him shocked, but he shakes his head while he opens the front door.
"Then you're terrible at showing it", Dino says before he walks off. Scoups stares at him until he dissapears. He knows Dino will come back and he didn't leave forever, but why does it feel like he did?

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