Part 03

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As the news of the BTS concert continued to echo in Emma's mind, she couldn't shake off her desire to find a way to be there. Determination surged within her, prompting her to take stock of her resources.

Checking her savings was the first step. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, Emma opened her piggy bank to find $500 nestled within. Hope flickered; it was a good start, but the concert tickets were priced at $1000, a daunting gap to bridge.

Determined to not let this opportunity slip away, Emma brainstormed ways to earn the remaining amount. Living in a tight-knit neighborhood, she recalled the young boy down the street, struggling with his studies. Without hesitation, Emma approached his mother, Katie, and proposed to tutor him privately for the next two months.

The agreement was settled at $10 per tutoring session, and Emma dedicated herself wholeheartedly to teaching the young boy. Each day after college, she headed straight to his house, armed with books, patience, and a fervent determination to make this work.

Despite the meagre earnings of $10 per day, Emma was undeterred. She made a promise to herself that every cent earned from tutoring would be tucked away into her concert fund. It wasn't just about the money; it was about the passion and commitment to turn her dream into a reality.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into a routine of studying, teaching, and saving. Emma saw the gradual growth of her concert fund, the stack of bills and coins accumulating in a jar on her desk becoming a symbol of her persistence.

There were days when weariness settled in, balancing college assignments with tutoring, but Emma's determination never wavered. Her dream of attending the concert acted as a beacon, guiding her through the long hours and tired nights.

With each passing day, the pile of savings grew. It was a slow yet steady progression, a testament to Emma's unwavering dedication. The countdown to the concert drew closer, and with it, the realization that her hard work and perseverance might just pay off, allowing her to step into the world she admired from afar.

Dreamscapes: A Fading Concert EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now