Chapter 13

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Jacob was the first to start running, Belle quickly following him suit while Nuriel held on to her shoulder for her dear life. "Sarah! Quit it!", Jacob exclaimed as soon as he reached her and pulled her back from the shop owner. Belle meanwhile helped him up and apologized. "But he can spare that bread for that little girl for sure and-" "She'll get by", Jacob interrupted Sarah. "How would you know?", the princess gave back angrily. "She definitely knows how to, princess. Believe me, I know what I am talking about." "What do you-", Sarah began but got interrupted by Nuriel: "I hate to disturb you but I am afraid we have gotten visitors." And with this everyone got aware of a bunch of people surrounding them.

"Trying to pay with forged money-" "Still not forged." "-causing great turbulence-" "'t wasn't my fault." "-and trying to help out a filthy little thief." "She was hungry, what should I-" "Could you please be quieter now, Sarah?", Jacob hissed while the patriarch continued to read the "committed crimes" out loud. Sarah grumbled and Belle sent her a warning look. She had told everyone to let her talk. "What can you say to your defence?", the patriarch now asked and the witch quickly got up before the princess could. "Reverend patriarch, ruler of the city, we are very sorry for the inconvenience we had caused. We are not familiar with your country's rules and traditions nor do we know about your known thieves. We are very sorry and would like to offer you to leave the city right away." The patriarch looked at the witch thoughtfully. "We'd also like to offer you to show you what kindness is, you emotionless douchebags!", Sarah exclaimed before anyone could stop her. The patriarch sighed. "I was about to be so kind as to let you go like that other woman suggested, but now I also will have to deal with insulting the government and I am afraid this is a serious matter." "More serious than letting your own people starve?" "Sarah, please!", Belle exclaimed while Jacob tried to hold her back desperately. "ENOUGH!", the patriach shouted back, "I'm afraid I have no other choice but to sentence you to one year of jail!" Sarah sank back on her chair. "Well done, princess", Nuriel said sarcastically.


Everything Sarah could see was darkness. Not that she wanted to see anything else. That's why she had buried her face in her hands after all. She had only wanted to help and now she got everyone else in trouble. Nuriel had been right: She had totally messed up. Jacob hadn't yet spared her a look since they were in the cell and even Belle hadn't said a word. If only she hadn't run away. All she did was causing trouble. Sure, at home she would have been in trouble but at least everyone else would have been at peace. What was so bad about marrying a dumbass? She shouldn't have been so selfish. She should have –

Sarah flinched as someone's hand touched her shoulder. Then she heard someone sitting down next to her. "It's okay", Belle's voice reached her ear. "Ha, as if", Nuriel mumbled salty. "Sarah", the witch ignored the remark, "Please look at me." Sarah didn't want to. She really didn't. But after a few more seconds, she still did it. Belle's eyes were warm, full of compassion. "Listen, your highness, you have a good heart. You want to help people. You want to see them happy. And you do what you can to reach that. You didn't only run away in the first place to save yourself. You knew exactly that marrying would mean an extended tyranny of your uncle." "But running away doesn't solve the problem. If I stayed, I could at least have done something!" "But don't you do something right now? You are searching for the ones to help solve the problem." "How am I supposed to do this when all I reached so far is getting all of us arrested?" "You managed to get through the misty forest, princess. Your big heart brought us here and I do admit it's unfavourable for us, but we will find a way, I am sure of it. But closing our eyes and pitying ourselves won't help now. If anything, it will make us less flexible."

"Ow! Hey!", Nuriel's shout suddenly interrupted their conversation. Everyone turned to the little fairy. She rubbed her head, mumbling something before she grumbled: "Someone threw this through the bars and it hit me." "Are you okay?", Sarah immediately asked worried. "Apart from being in a cell?", Nuriel hissed back. "Nuriel!", Belle said firmly, "Sarah did what she thought was right. Leave her be already and help us find a way out!" Everyone now stared at the witch. They weren't used to that tone from her. Jacob was the first to regain his senses as he pointed to the object that had hit the fairy. "If you all would stop being immersed in each other's and our own feelings, we could check out what is written on there."

Sarah blinked. "You're right, that's a letter", she thought out loud. Belle picked it up and unfolded it, her eyes scanning the words. Then she softly smiled and held it out to Sarah. "I think you should see this", she hummed. The princess took it from her and read out loud: "Your help for mine. If you manage to keep the guard in front of your cell distracted, I'll get you out." Sarah looked at Belle thoughtfully. "Having a heart for others isn't always easy, princess. And it will get us in trouble at times. But sometimes, the repay is worth everything." The witch sent her a soft, short smile before she turned to the other two again and clapped her hands. "Alright, everyone, stop bruting and let's start thinking."

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