He got up and turned around, facing Cassidy. William lunged towards her. Cassidy screamed as he swung his knife, stabbing her head. Her body hit the wall before dropping to the ground, William laughed, a malevolent laugh. He then started to stuff them into the animatronics. 

---time skip to at least three hours later---


I had just finished wiping a table when I overheard a lady say. 

"Please! Please help me! My daughter! I can't find her! S-she's not here!" 

My body stiffened as I heard what the woman said. I looked up to see that... out of all the staff she asked... seriously... fucking stupid bitch. "I'll go and che-" Will was cut off by another woman saying she couldn't find her brother.

"Alright, calm down. Let me go and check the surveillance cameras. Oh, Y/N!"


"Yes, Will?" I said, trying to keep my cool as I walked towards them. "Can you come and check the cameras with me?" He said, I nodded. The thought of him killing again was taunting me. We then went to the security office. The background noises softened as we entered. 

"Now, love-"

"You did it... again... didn't you?" I said with a hint of fear in my voice.

He smirked as he chuckled, "Don't interrupt me, love." I became stiff, once again.

"The next time I ask you to check the cameras, you come here... and... delete this footage." He said as he pulled up the camera footage, which was near Parts and Services, he then clicked on the 'bin' icon. Before he deleted it, I saw a glimpse of a yellow rabbit suit. So... I'm right...

"Understand, love?"

"Will, no... I'm not going to help you-"

"You're going to help me because you know who I really am... *chuckles* you know... I can just kill you here, right now... and I'll make it look like an accident. So, either help me... or..."

He walked towards me, pinning me to the wall. With an emotionless expression, he made the throat-cutting gesture. He then smirked as he saw the fear in my eyes.

"Plus, we are partners in crime... aren't we?" Will said with a grin, letting out a sinister chuckle. "Shall we partner?" He said with a grin still on his face. I hesitantly nodded, we then left the security office and went to the two worried ladies.

"We've just reviewed the surveillance footage, and unfortunately, there's no sign of your children," Will calmly informed the two distressed women. Their faces fell with a mixture of anguish and desperation. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on their shoulders, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for my involvement in Will's ominous activities.

The atmosphere grew tense as the two women processed the information, their eyes welling up with tears. I stole a glance at Will, who maintained a facade of concern, hiding the sinister truth beneath. I knew I was trapped in a dangerous game, entangled in a web of secrecy.

Among the heavy silence, one of the women, overcome with emotion, asked, "What do we do now? Where could they be?" Will stepped forward, adopting a reassuring tone, "We'll do everything we can to help find them. Let's check the rest of the establishment."

I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that I had become an unwilling accomplice in Will's dark sinister plan. The weight of the secret pressed on me, threatening to consume any semblance of normalcy in my life. During our search, Lynette came up to us and told us that there were three families worried about their children,  who were missing.

"Alright, tell them that we are looking into it,"

As Will and I walked away, he firmly gripped my arm. "You've stepped into darker waters, love. Remember your part," Will whispered. His voice edged with a sinister undertone, resonated in my ears as a constant reminder of the dark alliance we shared.

---time skip to later on---

The police officers searched the place, top to bottom, left and right but there were no signs of the five missing children. One of the officers, who was conducting the search, and the detective, Detective Harris, approached the gathered staff and concerned parents.

"We've conducted a thorough search, but unfortunately, we haven't found any traces of the missing children. We'll take this investigation back to the station and explore every avenue to bring them back safely."

The parents, their faces etched with worry and frustration, exchanged glances as Detective Harris delivered the news. A mixture of anxiety and disappointment filled the room, and a collective murmur of concern rippled through the group.

One parent, her voice trembling, spoke up, "But we need to find them! What can we do? How long will it take?"

Another, with a tone of desperation, added, "Please, there has to be something more you can do. Our children are out there somewhere."

Detective Harris, maintaining a composed demeanor, assured them, "We understand your concerns, and we are doing everything we can. Taking the investigation back to the station will allow us to coordinate with other resources and explore additional avenues. Rest assured, we will not spare any effort in bringing your children back safely."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the reality of the situation sank in for the parents. Each of them grappled with the uncertainty of not knowing where their children were and the fear of what might be happening to them.

Despite the reassurances, the parents remained on edge, their eyes fixed on Detective Harris, hoping for a glimmer of hope in the face of this distressing ordeal. The air in the room held a mixture of grief, anxiety, and an unyielding determination to see their children return home unharmed.

Eventually, as the news settled, the parents exchanged glances filled with shared concern. It became evident that the immediate surroundings offered no solace or answers. With heavy hearts, they began to disperse, their steps echoing a mixture of frustration and determination.

In their departure, one parent spoke softly, "We won't give up. We'll find our kids. We have to."

The remaining staff members, myself included, watched as the worried parents left, their faces etched with a potent blend of anguish and resolve. Detective Harris gathered his team, ready to take the investigation back to the station. Soon, the only people in the pizzeria were me, the other staff, William, and Henry. 

We had to close the pizzeria early due to the police coming. Henry gathered us in the main area. "Listen, everyone," Henry began, his voice low and reassuring. "I know this has been a tough day for all of us. We've had to close early due to the circumstances, and I appreciate your cooperation during these difficult times."

He took a moment to survey the tired and anxious faces around him before continuing, "Considering the situation and the ongoing investigation, I think it's best if we allow everyone to go back early. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the staff. Henry gave a nod of understanding, acknowledging the strain on everyone's nerves. "Please, take some time to rest and recharge. We'll resume operations tomorrow as we work with the authorities to resolve this matter. If there are any updates or changes, I'll keep you informed. Take care, everyone."

With that, he dismissed the staff, and a wave of tired but grateful employees dispersed, each carrying their own burden from the day's events. As I was about to go to the staff room, Will put his arm on my shoulder.

Causing me to jump a little, I looked at him. His eyes looked at me then his office, and we walked to his office. We entered his office, I went in and he followed. As he entered, he closed and locked the door behind him. 


Her Secret Admirer (William Afton X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now