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---time skip to Saturday---





I off the alarm, and I look at the time—6 am. I went to the main bathroom and did my business. I then changed into a black T-shirt and cargo pants. I then went to the kitchen. I grabbed a sandwich, that I had made the night before, from the fridge and started to eat it.

"You made one for me too, right?" I heard a sleepy Lynette ask, as she walked into the kitchen. "Yup, here" I replied as I gave her the other sandwich that was in the fridge. Once we were done eating, we grabbed our things and headed to diner.

<at Fredbear Family Diner>

We got out of the car and I locked it, before heading in.

It was quiet... a little too quiet.

"Henry is not going to be here today, so I'll take over"

Lynette and I turned to the tall man, who was leaning on a wall, he had chocolate brown hair, that messy seat on the top of his head, pale skin, dark circle like he was a little sleep-deprived, sliver-blue eyes, his voice sound a little British and he was smiling, his smile was a little creepy tho. But... he kinda looks hot... Maybe...

"oh, ok" Lynette replied, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm William Afton, Henry's best friend and the Co-founder of Fredbear Family Diner. What's your name? Or should I just call you love ~" William said, as he looked at me. 'What the fuck... bloody creep...' I thought.

"I'm Y/n..."

"And I'm Lynette"

He nodded and said, "Alright, here are your uniforms. Go to the 'Staff Only' room and get changed. Then meet me back here." He then handed us our uniform.

"Why purple"

"Cause why not, love ~"

"I have a name"

He just smirked at me, creep... We then went to the staff room to change into our uniform. I look in the mirror. 'Arghh. Why does it have to be purpleeeee', I thought as I went out of the staff room and walked William. And... Where's Lynette? As you stood in front of William, He looked you up and down. "Can you... Like stop..." I said, only for him to smirk again. Why does he always do that, is that his signature smirk or something...

"Well, you look good in purple"


Soon Lynette was walking out of the staff room. "Alright, since you're changed. let's start the tour, shall we?" William said as he gestured for us to follow him. "So, this is the main area. And this is the show stage," William said as he pointed to the stage where the robots were. "That is Fredbear," he said as he pointed to the yellow bear, "And this is Spring Bonnie," he said as he pointed to the yellow rabbit.

"So, these animatronics can switch between robot and wearable costume mode using spring locks. Pushing back these locks allows people to wear them, but sudden movements or moisture, like sweat, can trigger a 'Springlock Failure'," William explained.

He then pulled the collar of his white blouse, revealing a pretty bad scar. "This happened like 2 months ago, I would have died, but luckily I got out," he said and adjusted his collar. Damn... He then showed us the backstage and continued to give us a tour of the place.

"So, that should be all... we are also starting to open, so let's got to work," William said, smirking a little. He then walked back to his office.

"Hey, Nette... Is it me, or is he like... a little creepy..."

"Well, you're not wrong. He gives the creeps vibe"

I nod in agreement, a boy that was possibly around our age came up to us. "Hi there, are you new?" he asked, "yeah, we're new. I'm Y/N and this is my best friend Lynette" I said as I introduced ourselves. "Well, I'm Dante. But you can call me Dan," Dan said, we nodded.

After waiting and cleaning tables, it was my lunch break. "Finally, our break. You guys going anywhere?" Dan asked, "No, not really. Plus we don't really know what good food there is around here. " Lynette said. "There's a food court nearby, wanna go there?" Dan asked. We nodded and followed him to the food court. 

---time skip to after eating at the food court---

"Oh, Y/N. do the weird letters still come in?" Lynette asked. "Well, no... strangely..." I said.

"Isn't it weird that Mr Afton calls you pet name..."

"Yeah, really creepy..."

"but 'love'... wasn't it written at the end of some of the letters that you got?"

"Now that you say it... Yeah... Or maybe it's just a coincidence"

"Yeah... maybe..."

"What you girls talking about?" a familiar British voice said out of nowhere, it made me jump a little. "Is there anything you need, Mr Afton?" I asked, he smirked his signature smirk. "Well, I would like to talk to you in my office, love," he said, "And Lynette, please get back to work." he continued. Lynette waved to me, I waved back. Why in the world does he want to talk to me? 

"After you, darling," William said as he gestured for me to enter. I slowly walk into his office, "So... Is there something you'd like to talk about, Mr Afton?" I asked as I sat in the chair opposite him. "Just call me William, love" he chuckled, as he seat in his chair. "Can you please stop calling me pet names? Just because you're my boss, doesn't mean you can call me anything you want. And do I have to make myself clear, I. Have. A. Name." I said, clearly done with his shit. 

William's expression turned from his annoying grin to an annoyed frown, he got up from his chair. He then came to the chair that I was in and span it so I was facing him, towering over me. I gasped as he grabbed onto my chin firmly with his index finger and thumb.

Chills ran down my back, I was irritated and scared at the same time. "Listen, I don't want to talk to a brat like you. So either don't talk to me like that again and shut up, or I'LL make you shut up" William said as his sliver eyes pierced into my E/C (eye color). 

"Do I make myself clear?" William growled. I looked at him with a hint of fear in my eyes, I didn't dare say another word. He looked like he was going to kill me in the next second. 

"I said..."

"Do I make..."



"Y-yes" I murmured nervously, he then let go of my chin. Damn... why did he have to grab my chin so tight... "Good," he said as he grinned, almost smirking. "All right, now. Get back to work, love," He said, as he went back to his seat. I got up and continued to do my job, 'bloody weirdo...' I thought as I rolled my eyes. 

---time skip to the end of the day---

"You sure you're okay. Why don't you want to come?" Dan asked. "I don't really drink much, plus I'm trying not to drink so much " I replied. Lynette and Dan wanted to go to a bar, but I didn't really feel like going. "Okay, okay... then do you want us to like to follow you back or something, you know..." Lynette asked, "Nette I'll be fine. Just go and have fun, ok?" I said to reassure her that I'll be fine, and they soon left. I grabbed my stuff and left shortly after.

??? POV 

"Guessing she will be alone, huh? Let's see where my princess lives" I said to myself, grinning from ear to ear, as I grabbed my thing. she got into her car and went off. I then started my car and followed her.

Her Secret Admirer (William Afton X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now