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- murderous thoughts

---flashback starts--- (2 days before Y/N's birthday)

No one POV

It was midnight.

William parked his car outside of his house. He opened the back door of his car. He smirked to himself. They were wigging like they were trying to escape. "Either shut up or I'll make you shut up, bitch" he whispered. They froze, they didn't know what to do. William then carried them like a potato sack, they wigged a little as they were on William's shoulder.

He opened the door, closing it after entering. "I got a friend for you." He said as he was going down the stairs to his basement. William sat them on a chair, he tied them to the chair next to his other 'prisoner'. Once he was done, he got up and removed the bag, that was covering their head. He then went to the table, that was at the side of the room and grabbed the two clothes. He put some chemicals on it. He stood behind them, leaning in between his two 'prisoners'.

"Time for your nap, prisoners"

He said as he pressed the fabrics onto their mouths and noses. Soon, both of them were unconscious. He chuckled, removing the cloth from their face. William walked to the table. He threw the clothes onto the table, resting his hand on it. As he looked at the plan on the wall, a sinister smirk appeared on his face.

"Can't wait to do this with you, love" He said as he let out a sinister giggle.

---flashback ends---

<one week later> (after work)


'His scream... His cry for help... His blood on my hands... I want to hear him suffer... Like how HE made me suffer... Wait- no! W-what am I thinking... Why am I thinking like this-'

"Hey... Y/N, are you okay? You have been zoning out a lot lately... since like what 4.. 5 days ago..." Lynette said as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, Y-yeah. I'm fine... "

"Are you sure, you're fine?"

I nodded, "You wanna go back first? I still have some stuff to do," I said as she nodded and I handed her my car key. She got up and left the staff room. Soon, I got up and went to the supply room. I went to grab the mop, but a toned arm forcefully gripped it.

"What do you want, Will? I have a lot on my mind-"

"Like killing someone?"

"What- how did you- No, I mean no. W-why the fuck would I think that?!"

I said as I tried to deny his comment. What he said... was kinda true... not gonna lie... Wait- no, no, no. It's not true... No... or is it? No, I am not a psychopath. I am NOT going to be like William. Hell to the fuck NO. He smirked and chuckled, "I think I know something that may help you, love".

"No, thanks- what??"

"Just put the cleaning supplies away and let's go to my place, darling"

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