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"I didnt know" says Hlanganani,my head is spinning at the announcement of some girl out there being pregnant with my husband's child. "I blocked her a while back" he adds on. "Yah she did mention that however she said that she told you that she's carrying your child and after that you blocked her" Pearl says. Idk but for some reason I'm finding her to be quite annoying. "That's a lie" he defends himself. I just want to know who Lily is!!

"How do you feel about this?" I hear Pearl's voice ask,I wait for Hlanganani to answer but he doesn't. It takes him nudging me to actually realise that the question is directed at me. I look around and both their eyes are on me waiting for my response. "Please repeat the question." I request although I heard her loud and clear. She does as I asked and I say "no offense but why am I expected to have certain feelings towards this. I think you should be asking him how is he feeling since he's going to be a father and all." I try to sound as polite as I possibly can be considering my circumstances.

"But you are his wife and..." I don't give her the chance to complete her sentence. "And as his wife I will support him." Suddenly I don't want to be a part of this interview anymore. Hlanganani's intense gaze is drilling holes into the side of my head. I won't look at him shame,he can stare all he wants and frown til he has a permanent frown on his face...idc. "So what happens now? What's the way forward now that you know that your ex girlfriend is pregnant?" At her question,I turn to look at him as I too wait for his response.

"Lily and I need to sit down and talk first. However I will take full responsibility and be a present father." Hai keh,he seems to be forgetting about the Zero situation. This interview is just putting Lily's life in danger and that of their child too. Anyways it not my problem so hey I will stay out of it. Soon enough we reach the end of the interview and I couldn't be more happier.

Hlanganani has been avoiding me since the interview...well that was a few hours ago. I walk into our bedroom to find him sitting with his phone on the edge of the bed. I'm about to walk passed him and ignore him when he lifts up his eyes to look at me. We stare at each other until he says "Lily?" I look around, confused but I learn that he's on the phone with her...its on loud speaker.
Her: "what do you want?" She asks with an attitude.
Him: "what are you up to?" He sounds pissed. You'd think that by now his eyes have fallen to his phone. Kanti no he's still staring at me.

Her: "I don't know what you are talking about" she says still maintaining her stinky attitude.
Him: "are you pregnant with my child?" He asks,his voice harbours an emotion which I can't quite fathom. His act RN has me thinking if he's happy about having a child with his ex or not.
Her: "Jesus will first have to come down before I give you Baloyi's another child." She says laughing bitterly. Uhm pardon me but did she say give the Baloyi's another child!?
Him: "so its not mine?" He asks,however now his gaze is stuck on his phone screen. I can't tell how he is feeling because he's looking down.

Her: "there's no baby. I'm not pregnant." She happily announces which doesn't only confuse my husband but me as well.
Him: "but..." He tries to explain and she cuts him off.
Her: "I know I lied,the world thinks that I'm pregnant with your child and that you are a coward for running away from your responsibility." Why does her tone sound so pale,like she doesn't care or like what she said is something that happens on a daily.
Him: "the fuck Lily! What's your problem?" Now he shouts.

Again ugirl laughs out and its irritating honestly. Her laughter goes on for a minute or two and God that's annoying.
Her: "what's my problem,o re what's my problem Hlanganani?" Now she sounds angry which is confusing because literally a second ago she was dying of laughter. Hlanganani doesn't answer her as he waits for her to continue her rant. "My problem ke wena,you and your family took my child away from me. It doesn't end there,you took my brother too." She angrily says. Okay I'm CONFUSED!! What the hell is going on here!?

Him: "you and I know very well that you are unfit to be a mother. You tried to run away with her when she was just a few months old. Lily she's better off without you." He huffs,Jesus Christ what did he just say!? Hlanganani has a child!? Kanjani!? "And don't fucken try to pin your brother's death on me,you know what happened." He firmly says.
Her: "but she's my child too,I gave birth to her. Your family has no right to keep her away from me!!" She's now crying. She's hysterically crying.
Him: "so you spreading lies about me and this none existent pregnancy of yours is all for what? Revenge or what?" He asks her lifting up his head to once again look at me.

All I see is rage in his eyes and I won't lie Im kind of scared of him RN.
Her: "maybe or maybe its all just for clout. Oooorr maybe I just want to ruin your career." She says dragging out the Or. Bethuna is this chick okay? Just minutes ago she was wailing and now she's okay. As she speaks you won't say that it was her who was crying just now. Her voice and tone have completely changed.

Him: "don't test me Lily" he warns in a dangerous tone.
Her: "i don't care anymore,you have hurt me so much Hlanganani. Nothing you do to me now will break me because I'm already broken." And she does sound broken shame. I will ask again,is she okay? She sounds so emotional that I almost feel sorry for her.
Him: "I know and I'm sorry. Please allow me to get you help. Lily you can be helped and..." He doesn't finish and that's because of her.

Her: "I don't want help...I'm not crazy wena,I'm perfectly normal. I just want my child! Can you tell your family to give me back my child!?" She screams scarring the shit out of me. Y'all can't convince me otherwise...she's crazy.
Him: "when last did you take your medication?" He asks,his voice is filled with worry and concern for her. Which I don't like!
Her: "I'm not crazy!! I want my baby girl. Hlanganani ke batla ngwanaka." At the beginning she's shouting but her voice turns soft towards the end.

I have stopped trying to solve this mystery in my head. The maths is not mathing,nothing is making sense at this moment. How does he have a child that I know nothing about!? What's up with this Lily wakhona. And why the hell is MY HUSBAND worried nge ex yakhe!?
Him: "you are telling the wrong person,I can't help you with that." He says sounding defeated.
Her: "I know but I can't reach him,he doesn't want anything to do with me. Please convince your brother to let me at least have a relationship with my daughter." Again she is pleading.

I can't take this anymore. What's happening!!? Which brother and how is that brother involved in this 'I want my child back' story?
Him: "Lily you need help and I want to help you." Naye lona ngathi he's pleading with her to let him in.
Her: "fuck you wena! He is dead because of you,my life is a mess because of you!" Yhoo sana she's back to screaming.
Him: "bye" and just like that he hangs up. However he looks defeated and hurt.

"What's going on? Are you going to openly tell me the truth or...?" I'm shouting at him. "Keep your voice down." He warns but I don't care to listen to him. "Hlanganani what's with the secrets,you have a child and didn't bother to tell me. What is wrong with you!?" I yell feeling a whole lot of emotions however anger is the dominant one. Like what are we still doing married if his black flat ass is keeping secrets from me. "Not now Nomzamo" he says in a low voice. I'm about to go off at him again but he doesn't let me. He literally walks out the door without hesitating or even looking back.

Out of frustration,I take a pillow from the bed and throw it against the wall. I do that with two other pillows before falling on the bed. As I'm sitting with my legs crossed,I'm trying to think about this entire situation and how he just walked out on me. I suddenly get an idea to look up this ex on social media. Since I don't know her surname,I can't go to Facebook and Instagram because there are thousands of Lily's in SA. So YouTube it is...I type Lily pregnant with By HL's baby.

Boom a video of her comes up,I don't care to listen to what she's saying anymore as I take in her features. Her face looks awfully familiar. Not the I have seen you somewhere type of familiar. Because believe me I don't think that I have seen this slay queen anymore. But its the you look like someone I know type. I think really hard and long as I try to match her face to anyone that I know but nothing. I don't know why but a forces makes me go to my gallery in hopes of having this one question answered. I'm scrolling through my pictures and I finally find a lead.

While I was in Limpopo,I took a lot of pictures and videos with the children and now I'm looking at one particular girl who's a splitting image of Lily. Without a doubt that's her child. But who's the father? Which one of the Baloyi brothers fathered this kid?

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