Chapter 7: I Know Who

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Arriving at his new condominium, Adams went straight to the bathroom. He took off his clothes and turned on the shower. As the water drizzled down on him, his mind went into a haze, recounting all that had happened the entire day.

Just a few hours ago, he was a hopeless man who had been betrayed by his family and fiancee. A penniless man who couldn't pay for his drinks.

However, now he is a millionaire, a company owner who has his own house, car, closet filled with expensive clothes, and an urbane kitchen filled with all kinds of food ingredients.

He never dreamed of having such luxury after his mother's mysterious demise. But then, the thought of his newly gained system brought a smile to his face. Indeed, he wasn't wrong to believe in systemic miracles.

He took out the shampoo and poured a large quantity on his silky hair. He ran his fingers through it, combing it as he washed away the gel he had earlier added.

Putting back the shampoo, Adams turns off the shower and then picks up the shower gel. He added some amount to a soft bathing sponge and then scrubbed through his sturdy, rough skin.

He turns the shower back on and rinses the foam off his body. Water trailed down for some moments until he had enough.

He pulls a long towel from the clothes stand, ties it around his waist, and heads out. Changing into a pair of cotton pajamas, Adams strode to his magnificent kitchen.

Putting on an apron, He took out a clean pan, a bottle of oil, some veggies and seasonings, rice, and frozen meat.

He went forward to thoroughly wash the pan with soap and water, despite it being neat. He took out the chopping board, cleaned it, and then placed it on the kitchen counter alongside his cooking spoon.

Adams began chopping the veggies on the board. From garlic to Onion, green peppers, red peppers, scotch bonnet, spring onion, carrots, and some cabbage.

Turning on the gas stove, he places the pan on the fire. Allow the water to drain, and then add a small quantity of vegetable oil.

He pours in his veggies accordingly, allowing them to fry. Adams took the time to wash his rice. He takes out a pot, washes it, and then adds the rice and some water to it before placing it on another gas bonnet, and then he turns it on.

He goes back to his frying veggies and pours them into an empty bowl. He added a little bit of oil to the pan again and put in the meat, salt, and some seasonings. Minutes pass, and he places the veggies into the pan of meat again, adds a small quantity of water, and stirs.

After covering the pot for about a minute, Adams turns off the stove. He returns to the cooking rice, pulls up the lid, and adds in a small amount of salt as well.

As he waited for the rice to soften and cook, he proceeded to clean up the mess he had created in the kitchen. Even though it was almost midnight, the handsome guy couldn't care much about what he was having for dinner.

What if the system decides to change its mind and take away what they have gifted him? What will he do then? It's better to just grasp this opportunity and enjoy whatever he has always dreamed of.

The rice was soon cooked and ready to be eaten. Adams served a large portion in a clean bowl. He added some of the meat and vegetable sauce at the top and then took off the apron and hung it on the counter.

He walked up to the refrigerator, took out a can of orange juice, and then sauntered out to the sitting room with his food.

Placing the food on the center table, Adams takes the remote control. He switched on the TV and went to the water dispenser.

He got himself a glass of water and then returned to the place where he had left the food. He carefully moves the table close to the nearby cushion and casually sits down.

His arms are spread on both sides of the headrest as he switches channels until he settles for a business news report as he awaits his meals to get cold.

He watches as the reporter professionally casts the news, explaining the various levels of inflation and deflation in the stock market and the price of goods in the city. Adams took a full interest in the news until the news reporter concluded the section.

A sly smirk plastered his lips, and his thick eyelashes flickered with cunning. "Not a bad idea," he said, and he immediately dived into the delicious meal in front of him.


At five-thirty in the morning, Adams Smith was already awake. Having been stigmatized by almost everyone didn't stop Adams from exercising daily.

He made sure to get up at exactly 5 a.m. every morning to go for a run. Despite having slept at about 1 a.m., he didn't miss his daily routine. His body system was already used to it; unless he was way too tired or sick, he couldn't do without going for a run.

Getting out of bed, he changes into a Galant sport suit, puts on his new sports shoes, and elegantly places his headphones before exiting his wanton condominium.

At about seven a.m., Adams was back home. He takes a clean bath, eats his breakfast consisting of milk tea and plain bread, and then heads to his study room to prepare for the day.

It was a Saturday, and there wasn't too much to do. Today, he'll be going over to the government agency to get the property documents for the Sky Enterprise.

Getting into his study room, Adams felt his throat go dry from awe. The room, which was previously painted gray and white, now looked like an entirely different technological world of its own.

The symbols that had been displayed on the walls of the hospital were a series of numbers of zeros and ones that had conjoined to form circles and triangles and then merged up to form a strange symbol of a circle ring surrounded by triangles.

The smooth walls now had small boxes in them that emitted blue light, while the large symbols on the four walls emitted violet and golden rays. The floor also had an imprint of a circle with four curved lines at each side, just like that on the football, and his working desk was filled with a complete high-tech computer system and a laptop.

Adams was thinking about buying a computer system later that day, but he didn't expect such a surprise. His mouth hung open, and his heart beat faster than usual.

This kind of occurrence is something he had never heard of. He has only read them in fiction novels and never imagined any of them ever existing in real life.

Adams walked forward into the room; each step he took made his heart leap to his throat. An empty room with only a portrait of his late mom and a working chair and desk is now filled with advanced books and computer systems.

He was amazed. He goes up to the chair, trails his fingers on the backrest, and pulls it forward.

He sat on the chair, and in that instant, the ray of light that had formed in the room disappeared, but the symbols were still imprinted.

The sudden changes caught him so off guard that he almost stood up from the chair. Just then, his eyes caught sight of a shining gold card on the table. Intrigued, Adams picks it up and realizes it is an invitation card. The system had invited him to his Ex fiance's Engagement party. But Why?

Before Adams could ponder it, he received a call on his cellphone. He sees that it was a call from an unsaved number. Thinking it was a call from government personnel, he receives the call, and then a surprised chuckle erupts from him.

"I know who; it's you, Aleric," he says.

ADAMS' REVENGE: THE RETURN OF THE SCORNED SON Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα