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(Narrator's POV)
“"Do our choices matter? We're taught that good always prevails, but the truth is that the world runs on money, not morals. Good and bad are subjective, and in the end, only wealth truly counts.Since the world only cares about money”

In a rundown warehouse tucked away in an isolated corner of the city of Tokyo, sat a man in his late 20s.His short, brown hair framed his sharp features, while his striking amber eyes bore into anyone who met his gaze. His trilby hat sat angled atop his head, and a half-smoked cigarette hung softly from his lips.This was Kinsley Graves, London’s private eye.
Graves sat alone in an old, abandoned theatre seat, the worn leather creaking as he shifted his weight. The musty odour of abandonment filled his nostrils, but he appeared to be used to it, almost unbothered. He seemed lost in thought, waiting for whoever - or whatever - was supposed to meet him here.Despite knowing that he was walking into a dangerous situation, Kinsley remained calm and prepared. He had his trusty Magnum 44 pistol tucked into the waist of his belt, just in case things went sideways. Despite the risk, he was determined to see this through, no matter what it took.
The man looks at the ground deeply lost in his own thoughts.
Kinsley's mind raced as he contemplated whether taking this risk was worth it. He had been framed for a string of murders and was on the run, and although he had fled London for Tokyo, he still felt a strong sense of responsibility to stand up for what was right. He knew that there were dangers and uncertainties ahead, but he couldn't just sit back and do nothing. He had to do what he felt was right, no matter the consequences.As his patience wore thin, Kinsley's mind wandered back to the person who had framed him - Vincent Lawrence,the well known Progidy Actor. Despite his seemingly innocent exterior, Graves had discovered the dark truths behind the actor's charismatic mask. He knew that he had to make Lawrence pay for his crimes, and he would stop at nothing to achieve justice, even if it meant putting his life on the line.
The Detective was driven by a sense of righteousness and determination to bring Vincent Lawrence and his wealthy, corrupt family to justice. He knew that the Lawrence family had killed countless innocent people and had gotten away with their heinous crimes for too long. As he sat in the abandoned theatre, waiting for Lawrence's arrival, Kinsley felt a sense of purpose and conviction that drove him forward, fueled by his desire to do what was right and to bring justice to those who had been wronged.
Kinsley steeled himself, knowing that this confrontation was inevitable and that it would be a battle unlike any other. He had spent many hours for training and preparing for this moment, drilling himself in hand-to-hand combat and practising with his trusty Magnum 44. He was ready for whatever Vincent Lawrence had to throw at him and was determined to emerge victorious at any cost.
….Footsteps of a Leather boot echoed through the Place…It was Vincent….
As Vincent Lawrence approached, Kinsley remained calm and collected, keeping his eyes fixed on the actor. He was aware of Vincent's handsome appearance and the sway it held over his audience, but he couldn't let that distract him from the task at hand. He was prepared for whatever Lawrence had in store and was ready to defend himself and the innocents Vincent and his family had harmed.

With a faint hint of irony, Kinsley's tone becomes cooler, his voice deeper, almost an imitation of Vincent Lawrence's own.

"You must be Vincent Lawrence. I know many things about you...”

“And you must be Kinsely Graves,I've heard nothing about you”

There is a slight edge of sarcasm in Lawrence’s tone, as if he's seen everything that could be seen and heard everything that could be heard, and there's no room for any more surprises. He speaks with confidence and certainty, as if nothing can shake his resolve or sway his position - he knows exactly what he wants and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

“Tell me Vincent,how does it feel to take hundreds of innocent life and hide it with your so called fame”

Kinsely replies with a cold stare…. Lawrence could see through him…the Bloodlust in the detective’s face it's not clear yet the actor sees through him.

“If you wanted to dance already you could just said so”

The actor takes out a golden glock with a Chinese dragon as a design in its front from his luxurious leather jacket.He points it at Kinsely and says..

“Trust me You won't be in the sequel “

In a split second, Vincent was ready to fire at the detective. But, before he could even pull the trigger, Kinsey drew his .44 magnum and fired in quick succession. The first shot hit Vincent's golden gun, sending it clattering to the ground. With his gun destroyed, Vincent gritted his teeth and charged at Kinsey. But Vincent was faster and managed to knock the gun from Kinsely's hand before he could fire. Vincent fell to the ground, by Kinsey's punch, his blood and saliva mixing together on the rough floor.But this only lasted for a second as the actor stood up and picked one of the theatre chair and proceeded to throw it at the detective.
Kinsley crashed into the wall sending the plaster flying.The detective was stunned but didn't give up as he stood the next second.Detective Kinsey picked up his .44 magnum and aimed it at the charging actor. Vincent was quick on his feet and managed to evade the bullet by only a hair's width. The detective fired again, but Vincent twisted his body to avoid the bullet once more.Vincent continued to close the distance between him and Detective Kinsey, and when he was within reach, he launched a powerful punch at the detective. But Kinsey was prepared and blocked the attack with his arm. However, Vincent used this opportunity to unleash a devastating kick to the neck, knocking Kinsey back.This kick was quite painful for the man but he resisted to the pain and proceed to shoot at Vincent.Vincent ran through the seats using it as cover to dodge the bullets and reached for his golden gun.The smoke of the bullets are left smouldering in the leather seats.
      …In the blink of an eye, both Vincent and Detective Kinsey raised their guns and pointed them at each other. They each had only one bullet left, making this the final showdown. Vincent stood at the edge of the stage while Kinsey remained in the middle of the theater, standing strong. They knew that the winner of this fight would be decided by who fired first.

A tense silence hung over the room as the two opponents stood in their positions, guns pointed at each other. The silence was broken by the deafening sound of a gunshot, followed by the thud of a body hitting the floor. One of them had fired first, and the other had paid the ultimate price for it. The victor stood over the fallen figure, victorious but alone.


I cannot let him live…
That's what the last thing I thought before accepting my fate.Death sure is cold.It feels like I'm floating through a void..silence..darkness..helplessness..
It was If my soul had left my body to find another one,the feeling was indescribable as if I was in a state of helplessness ,like I was going beyond time and space.I floated there for what seemed to be a eternity,but I counted each second..I was here for 7 hours…But then suddenly without any warning a bright light shined through the absence of space.It felt my all the individual atoms in my body were getting ripped was say the least..I looked at the light hoping to see the devil on the other side as I slowly opened my eyes.

I stood there in the dimly lit room, covering my eyes with my small hands. Why were they so small? I heard a noise in the distance, the sound of a young girl's voice. It sounded like she was in her teenage years. I can't help but wonder what she wanted from me in this strange place…

“Hey! You're finally awake ”

_________________________________________ A/N:sorry if this is bad I tried my best

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