Saving a Village

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( The next day, Tigress, Shara, Taina, and Tyler. Set off to the next village. Viper, Crane, and  Sierra had already left by sunrise. Tigress and her group choose to go there on foot. As not to draw attention to themselves. Tigress had even put on an outfit that she had once worn. One that she had found in the remains of her room. At the destroyed Jade Palace)

( Tigress, outfit)

" ( Walks through a stack of bamboo trees and then spots a swarm of wolves attacking a village)

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" ( Walks through a stack of bamboo trees and then spots a swarm of wolves attacking a village). Looks like we've got some more wolves to fight." Said Taina. " (Uses his chi to feel around the village and then opens his eyes). looks like some of the villagers are that are trying to hide while others are running for their lives." Said Tyler. " ( Looks at Shara). Seeing as how you're also a tiger, just a blue one. ( Smiles at her). Care to start us off?" Said Tigress as  Shara grinned. " My pleaser." Said Shara as she, Tigress, Tyler, and Taina jumped high into the air and each let out a roar. Before descending apon the wolf bandits.

( Wolves)

( The fight between Tigress and her group against the wolves begins

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( The fight between Tigress and her group against the wolves begins. With her and her family saving as many civilians as they can and escorting them to safety. There were times were the family had to split up into groups of two in order to get the job done,  they even had to go alone on certain occasions to make sure that any injured civilians were able to to escape the wolves. It seemed like the fight was nearing its end. That was until Tigress spotted a familiar foe. Walking through the cloud of smoke and fire. The figure had revealed themselves to be Shen. Who smiles in glee  as he walks) 

( Shen)

( Shen)

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